Home » News » Experience Jobs from Lake Constance to Lake Neusiedl during Skills Week in Austria

Experience Jobs from Lake Constance to Lake Neusiedl during Skills Week in Austria

The Austrian Chambers of Commerce bring the variety of professions into the conversation – this year for the first time from March 20th to 24th, 2023: Show what you can do!

Vienna (OTS) The right choice of profession, career opportunities and further training are becoming more important than ever. The Austrian Chambers of Commerce (WKO) bring these topics to the public and support companies in coping with the urgent need for workers and skilled workers – with the “Skills Week Austria”, which will take place for the first time this year from March 20th to 24th, 2023 .

The aim is to provide a stage for the variety of professions, training and further education opportunities – for a week every year, from Lake Constance to Lake Neusiedl, for the young and the young at heart.

What is Skills Week Austria?

If: March 20-24, 2023

Wo: All over Austria

For whom: Everyone who is interested in vocational education and training

Was: Diverse activities for vocational training, events, workshops or talent checks in all federal states, meetings and challenges for young people with “Skills Heroes” – the best young professionals in Austria, Europe and worldwide, educational institutions provide information about career and further training options, schools are dedicated to the topic Career choices and future opportunities, companies present themselves at open house days

Numerous activities of the chambers of commerce in all federal states for training and further education as well as career orientation are bundled under the umbrella of Skills Week Austria.

More than 70 events throughout Austria

Around 70 events will take place during this week – an excerpt: Im Burgenland young people can test their talents in dealing with metal, wood, cosmetics or in the kitchen. In Carinthia train participants of Junior Skills Austria for the championships in the hospitality professions. In Lower Austria a craft check will be offered in the WIFI, the digitally most innovative young professionals of this year’s apprentice hackathon will be awarded and the best training companies will be honored.

In Upper Austria there are around 1700 events at 530 companies as part of the traditional “Job Week”, which open their doors and give insights into their everyday work. In Salzburg students can “beam” themselves with VR glasses into different workplaces and thus explore apprenticeships. In the Styria Digital and green skills, an apprentice talk with Skills Heroes and the award of the “Stars of Styria” are on the program.

Tyrol participates with the professional safari in Innsbruck and a professional festival in Schwaz. Vorarlberg sends out the training ambassadors and invites you to an online lesson with Ali Mahlodji on FutureSkills. In Wien Skills Week Austria kicked off at the beginning of March at the BeSt Vienna education fair. The best apprentices in the federal sector of trade and crafts are honored with “Best-of-Talent” and the WKÖ becomes the Skills Week Marketplace.

Throughout the week, a road show with try-out stations and frenzied reporters is touring across Austria, accompanied by “Skills Heroes”, Austria’s best young professionals. The website provides an overview of all activities and the stations of the roadshow: www.wko.at/skillsweekaustria

Follow on social media: #SkillsWeekAustria

“The world of work and technology are changing rapidly. Our children will often work in jobs that are not even foreseeable today. The Skills idea has an answer ready: It helps to become aware of your talents, interests and strengths, and to strive for the top with passion in and for your job,” says Harald Mahrer, President of the Chamber of Commerce: “The Skills Week Austria provides visible proof: Austria can do more!”

Skills Week Austria is accompanied throughout Austria and in all federal states by targeted public relations work and a social media campaign (#SkillsWeekAustria) especially for the younger target group.(PWK073/HSP)

Questions & contact:

DMC – Data & Media Center
press office
Austrian Chamber of Commerce
T 0590 900 – 4462

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