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Busca San Nicolás to combat social problems with a family approach

San Nicolás de los Garza, NL.- Recognizing that many of the neighborhood problems derive from conflicts within families, the mayor of San Nicolás, Daniel Carrillo Martínez, proposed to continue promoting comprehensive medical and psychological aid brigades, as well as support for the Nicolaitan economy such as scholarships, job fairs, self-employment workshops, among others.

During the second session with the Council of the Institute for Family Policy Analysis (IAPF), the Mayor of San Nicolás, Daniel Carrillo Martínez, highlighted that during the administration constant complaints have been received for neighborhood violations, which derive from problems in the environment familiar.

“For three months we have been working continuously on the amount of information we have, whether we have to attend to the addictions of a family member, some marital or conjugal therapy, a scholarship, a job for mom or dad, some situation Therefore, it is breaking down inside the home to be able to solve what we are seeing outside, ”said the mayor.

Both parents, citizen members of the council and representatives of the IAPF, agreed with Carrillo Martínez, for which they proposed that the school for parents give talks in public education institutions, in order to continue locating family problems and give them prompt attention. .

In addition, the Family Policy Analysis Institute also promised to complete a survey of Nicolaitan families to continue analyzing and resolving this conflict in the city’s homes, as indicated by the statistics.

It should be noted that the Government of San Nicolás, through a multidisciplinary table in which the Directorate of Social Welfare, Human Development and Civil Protection participate, already closely monitors the cases that reach civic justice.

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