The historic piquetero leader Luis D’Eliacurrent leader of MILES, once again expressed himself in favor of Alberto Fernandez. It was when referring to the position of the current President in the polls with a view to the next elections. In this sense, D’Elía came out with the plugs against The Camporaas it has been doing for some time, but in a somewhat particular way.
“If Alberto Fernández fired three officials from La Cámpora today, he would go up 10 points in the polls”, maintained the social referent through a publication on his Twitter social network account. Along these lines, he warned that “the people’s rejection of these sectarian and exclusive kids is enormous.” But D’Elia did not stop there, and went for more.
In the same tweets, the piquetero leader remarked: “‘I love you fans,’ said Cristina Kirchner, and built a top-down ‘orga’ without internal discussion like CdeO,” concluded the MILES leader, recalling the Youth Organization Command Peronist emerged in the middle of 1961 with Alberto Brito Lima as one of its highest references.
In two other tweets, D’Elía continued to lash out at Kirchnerism. “He owes the photo and the visit to the Kirchnerist political prisoners…’I DON’T PUT MY HANDS ON FIRE FOR ANYONE,'” the picketer wrote next to a photo of Cristina Kirchner. Next, he replied to a recent statement by Daniel Scioli, the current ambassador to Brazil, who stated that “the presidential figure must be respected here.”

D’Elía, who recently approached the president, has been systematically questioning La Cámpora and defined the organization led by Máximo Kirchner as a “malignant tumor of Kirchnerism.” “With Néstor (Kirchner) dead, Cristina made a tremendous strategic error in political leadership, which was to change Kirchnerism for La Cámpora,” she had pointed out weeks ago.