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Did you know that monkeys and apes are distinct animals? – IDN Times East Kalimantan

The difference between monkeys and apes can be seen visually too

Chimpanzee (left) and spider monkey (right) (safarisafricana.com)

Apes and monkeys can coexist, but these two animals are very different. But you need to remember that apes and monkeys are primates. Many people may still mistake a monkey for a monkey and vice versa. Are you one of them?

You can tell them apart more easily if you know the characteristics of the two in more detail. Here are some differences between apes and monkeys.

1. Apes don’t have tails

Monyet (pexels.com/Oleksandr Pidvalnyi)

To distinguish apes and monkeys, you can see from their tails. This is the easiest way to help you identify whether it is a monkey or an ape. Because monkeys don’t have tails.

But monkeys have tails. Launch Safaris Africana, about 260 species of monkeys have tails and only a few do not. Don’t get me wrong again!

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2. Body size and shape

Gorilla (unsplash.com/Valentin Jorel)

The skeleton and body size of apes tend to be more similar to humans. Monkeys are usually bigger and heavier than monkeys. In addition, apes have broad shoulders with shoulder joints to make it easier for them to swing through trees.

While monkeys have a smaller body size and have narrow shoulders. The arrangement of the monkey skeleton is similar to that of other medium-sized mammals such as dogs. Remember the difference in body shape and size!

3. Different moves

orangutan (pexels.com/Klub Boks)

Monkeys have a body position that tends to be perpendicular. This allows the apes to walk comfortably on their two hind legs. While in a tree, the monkeys use their arms to swing from one tree to another.

In contrast to monkeys who are more often seen running between tree branches than swinging. But sometimes they also swing too. Monkeys are like mammals in general that walk, crawl and run on their four limbs.

4. Intelligence

Chimpanzee with a researcher (safarisafricana.com)

The size of the body and brain of apes is much larger than that of monkeys, this makes them more intelligent. Monkeys are able to solve problems in their environment.

For example, chimpanzees and orangutans make and use simple tools to find food.

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