According to the same note, two names “relate to cases that were already publicly known and that had, in due time, the appropriate civil and canonical treatment, resulting in a sentence of suspension and dismissal from the ministry”.
He added that the third name “refers to a priest incardinated in another diocese who has already been informed of the case and who is responsible for taking the appropriate canonical measures”.
“The priest was immediately removed by this diocese of Vila Real, where he resides, from all pastoral collaboration until the situation was clarified. The case will be communicated to the Public Ministry”.
In this context in which “it is essential to provide a more effective response to the drama of abuse”, the diocesan Bishop “decided to reinforce the Diocesan Commission for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons with more people of recognized competence”, underlines the statement, adding that , with the collaboration of this commission, which will now be led by lay people, the diocese “aims to expand the concrete ways of listening to and supporting victims. The commission must also draw up an action plan and a manual of good practices that favor a culture of care and respect for minors and vulnerable people”.
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