Home » Entertainment » Book Fair concluded in a city in the center of Cuba (+Photos) – Prensa Latina

Book Fair concluded in a city in the center of Cuba (+Photos) – Prensa Latina

The closing remarks were given by the renowned writer and researcher Juan Eduardo Bernal, president of the branch of the José Martí Cultural Society in Sancti Spíritus, to whom the next fair in this territory will be dedicated.

When Bernal said “The book is the companion that can never be missing in the hands of every intelligent person”, with which he reaffirmed the phrase Reading is growing that accompanies throughout the country what is considered the one with the greatest cultural call in the world. country.

The day before, the meeting was attended by the Minister of Culture of Cuba, Alpidio Alonso, who participated in various activities including the presentation of the novel Los caminos del viento, Alejo Carpentier Award 2020, by renowned writer Julio M. Llanes.

Gone is the commotion of the little ones in front of the tents in search of the book or didactic game of their choice, the presentation and sale of texts for adults and children, conferences and panels, the reminder to keep history alive…

Among the new volumes presented by the local publisher Luminaria are Explorando Fomento, by Bárbaro Pérez, The Aboriginal Community in La Sierpe, by Reinaldo Pérez and Orlando Álvarez de la Paz, and ¡Already Los Pinares have their rhythm!, by Saylí Alba. Reinaldo Pérez, one of the authors of The Aboriginal Community in La Sierpe, indicated that the volume is the result of four decades of archaeological investigations in the southern municipality.

A chapter of the book, he said, reviews what is related to the nearly 106 objects found during the years in the excavations and highlighted the richness of the 36 archaeological sites of La Sierpe.

Conferences related to Antonio Núñez Jiménez and Fina García Marruz, on the occasion of their centenaries, took place during the sessions of the fair, which in its Spirituan chapter -from March 9 to 12- was dedicated to the writer and researcher Mario Luis López.

At the country level, the cultural event was dedicated to Julio Travieso, National Literature Award 2021, and to bibliographer and librarian Araceli García-Carranza, recognized through a conference given at the Luminaria stand by Felicia Pérez, Doctor of Science.

Figures published here indicate that more than 200 editorial novelties and 103,800 copies were available to the public from Sancti Spiritus as part of the XXXI Book Fair.

This Sunday, in addition to the sales of texts and other educational materials, the books Las estrellas caen arriba, by Carlos Manuel León, and El pueblo cubano, by Antonio Núñez Jiménez, were presented.

The closure here of the so-called festival of letters was attended by Bárbara Mínguez, vice president of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power and candidate for deputy to the National Assembly, and Jorge Félix Lazo, provincial director of Culture and Art, among other directors.


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