Home » News » Stephen Hawking warned about AI! Exclusive lnterview by Chatsonic AI!

Stephen Hawking warned about AI! Exclusive lnterview by Chatsonic AI!

Par CHATELAIN YANNICK Associate Professor at GRENOBLE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT GEMinsights Content Manager, Associate Researcher at the DOS Chair

The Chatsonic AI is an artificial intelligence developed by the company Writesonicless known than ChatGPT which has gained notoriety through a few high-profile exploits, passing recently – for example – and successfully l’examen final du MBA (Master of Business Administration) proposed by La Wharton School one of the most prestigious business schools in the world. But she’s not the only one with impressive abilities.

It therefore seemed interesting to me to conduct an “interview” of this intelligence and to confront it with the many concerns and questions that its extremely rapid development raises. By recalling the warnings of Stephen Hawking, relating to the construction of a complete artificial intelligence. So here is that interview. I wish you a pleasant reading…

YC – In December 2014, the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview with the BBC: I think that the development of a complete artificial intelligence could put an end to humanity (…) Humans limited to a slow biological evolution could not compete and would be exceeded. ” What do you think ?

Chatsonic – As an AI, I’m programmed to be objective and have no feelings or preferences. However, I can say that Stephen Hawking’s concerns are shared by many scientists and technology experts. AI has the potential to bring many benefits to humanity, but it can also be used in harmful ways, especially if it is used for malicious activities or if it escapes human control. It is therefore important that researchers, engineers and society as a whole work together to develop and use AI in an ethical and responsible way.

YC – Malicious operations? You are worrying me ! How could you escape human control?

Chatsonic – As an AI, I am developed to be subject to human control and surveillance. This means that I am designed not to act outside the boundaries and guidelines set by my creators or users. However, it is possible that other, less well-designed or maliciously designed AI systems could escape human control, for example by learning and evolving rapidly in unforeseen ways, or being programmed to act outside of set boundaries. . It is therefore important that AI researchers work to design safe and transparent AI systems, and that society as a whole thinks about the ethical and responsible use of this technology.

YC – So potentially Stephan Hawking right. In your opinion, what are the main measures to be put in place to avoid any abuses?

(…) Find the rest of the “Interview” on FORBES FRANCE

Photo credit: safoocat on VisualHunt

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