“Given the state of the mobilizations, we have everything we need to win”, supports a CGT manager of the Gardanne thermal power plant, in the Bouches-du-Rhône.
“If we have to bang on the table, we will bang on the table”because it is “for our dignity” that we are on strike against the pension reform, testify Monday March 13, 2023 on franceinfo of the employees of Bouches-du-Rhône, determined to continue the movement while the text was adopted Saturday by the senators. The bill which continues its parliamentary path will be discussed in a joint committee at the National Assembly from Wednesday.
>> “It will be decided by one vote”: to get the pension reform voted in the Assembly, the government is multiplying meetings and negotiations
These striking employees are still convinced that they can make the government back down, like this childminder in Martigues. The strike days have already cost him a lot of money, “I would say between 600 and 700 euros”. So frankly, it is not the senators who can stop it: “Me, I’m ready to do anything not to let myself be done because if we stay at home doing nothing, that’s not how it’s going to work”she storms, before the next mobilization on Wednesday.
“We’re not going to let go”
Mobilization will eventually pay off. Whether the reform is definitively adopted or not, this is what this CGT manager of the Gardanne thermal power station thinks. “Le CPE [contrat première embauche] had passed in 2006, we continued, we won and they withdrew the CPE”he defends. “We will do the same, we will continue, we will not let go. Given the state of the mobilizations, we have everything it takes to win. The fight is always a sacrifice. ‘are we willing to lose today to win everything else tomorrow?, he says. Strike, blockage or even more… This Enedis d’Aubagne agent wonders: “We are not for breakage, he said, but unfortunately doing everything we do today, losing money in a mess if we are not heard, if we have to bang on the table, we will bang on the table”he acknowledges.
“Hitting the table means that we can cut the power, we still have that power. For the moment. It is not used too much”.
An Enedis agent from Aubagneat franceinfo
This striker, would he be ready to go as far as power cuts? : “Yes, yes, of course and I’m not the only one. A lot of us want to do it”. Others admit, however, a certain weariness. “We will be beaten”, loose Khalid who will still continue. It is a matter of dignity. “As long as I can do it, I will, I will strike. I will not stop, it does not matter if we lose days of wages, it does not matter”he testifies. “We can’t think only of ourselves. We lose days of wages, but we don’t die of hunger anyway. It’s to keep our dignity and say that it’s us who produce, we have to listen to us. They will listen to us. They are fed up”.
“We have to fight”
This Arcelor Mittal worker in Fos-sur-Mer hopes for a last gasp from the French. “It’s like in a party. At the beginning, it’s calm and you think it’s going to be bogus. No, you have to stay, sayshe, because when we go out clubbing it’s around two or three in the morning”it gets interesting. “We don’t let go of the atmosphere, well there it’s the same: we’re in the middle of the evening, we mustn’t let go. Until the morning, we have to fight. We mustn’t let go”.
These employees, opposed to the pension reform, want to give everything while there is still time, until the last dance, at the risk of suffering a hell of a hangover if at the end of the fight, they do not win. of cause.