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Why is Cough Worse at Night? – IDN Times

Turns out there is a gravitational influence, lo!

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cough illustration (freepik.com/rawpixel.com)

If you have a cough, your doctor usually advises us to rest and take cough medicine if needed. Sounds simple, right? However, sometimes the cough can be worse at night and this can make it difficult to rest. In fact, rest is one important way for the body to fight infection.

You may be wondering why the cough can be worse at night and how to deal with it. Keep on reading until the end, okay!

Also Read: Smoker’s Cough, How is it Different from Other Coughs?

There are influences from gravity and a dry indoor environment

cough illustration (freepik.com/8photo)

There are a number of reasons why stones get worse at night.

First is gravity.

The number one factor that makes coughs worse at night is gravity. Why? Described on the page Everyday Healthwhile lying down, the mucus automatically begins to pool.

The best way to counteract the pull of gravity is elevation. So, you are advised to sleep with an extra pillow to elevate your head. This can help keep mucus from collecting in the back of the throat.

Second is a dry indoor environment.

Dry air can exacerbate already irritated noses and throats, exacerbating coughing at night. To relieve cough due to dry air, use humidifier to return moisture to the air and make it easier to breathe.

However, be sure to maintain and clean humidifier correctly. Do not put in unsterilized water because there is a risk of spreading germs back into the air or causing other diseases. Be sure to follow all instructions that came with the tool carefully.

How to overcome a cough that worsens at night?

illustration of taking cough medicine (pexels.com/Gustavo Fring)

According to Mayo ClinicIn most cases, coughs associated with colds and flu are helpful for clearing blockages from the lungs and airways. However, on the other hand sleep is also important for healing.

You can practice these to stop or relieve a cough at night:

  • Suck on cough drops or lozenges. Before going to bed, suck on a cough lozenge to relieve a dry cough to soothe your throat.
  • Drink fluids. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the night before going to bed. Liquids help loosen mucus in the throat, and warm water is soothing.
  • Drink honey. Adding honey to water or warm tea, or just taking a spoon or two of honey has been shown to have modest benefits in reducing coughs. Studies in journals JAMA Pediatrics in 2007 found that honey has modest benefits in reducing nocturnal coughing in children aged 2–18 years. Remember, never give honey to children under 1 year of age because there is a risk of infant botulism.
  • Take cough medicine. Nighttime cough medicines usually contain antihistamines that trigger drowsiness. However, you should first consult with your doctor because some cough medicines may have some side effects for people over 65 years of age.

Also Read: Getting to Know ‘Silent Reflux’, Making a Hoarse Voice, Frequent Dehams, and Coughing

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