Al-Marsad Newspaper: HealthifyMe revealed the 10 best low-carb fruits for those looking for a safe health system.
These fruits are very useful, especially for patients with diabetes and blood glucose fluctuations, so these people should not eat dried fruits or drink fruit juices.
Experts advise eating the 10 best fruits that are low in sugar and carbohydrates, as follows:
1- Watermelon
It contains 92% of water and has the lowest percentage of carbohydrates compared to any other fruit, as the watermelon content of carbohydrates does not exceed only 7.5 grams of carbohydrates and 6.2 grams of sugar per 100 grams. It is also rich in vitamins A and C. It is high in lycopene, a phytochemical responsible for the red color of watermelon and its antioxidant benefits.
2- Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe is high in vitamins and nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and A, and beta-carotene. Carbohydrates do not exceed 8.16 grams and sugar does not exceed 7.88 grams per 100 grams
3- Peaches
Peaches are delicious and low in carbs.
4- Lemon
Lemon is an excellent fruit to keep on hand, as it delivers high doses of Vitamin C and fights free radical molecules associated with aging and chronic diseases while promoting good digestion.
5- Grapefruit
Grapefruit is another low-carb fruit option, and it’s also a great source of vitamin C.
6- Kiwi
Every 100 grams of kiwi contains 58 calories, 83.9 grams of water and 14 grams of carbohydrates. As for protein, it reaches 1.06 grams, fat does not exceed 0.44 grams, and sugar is estimated at about 9 grams, compared to 3 grams of fiber, in addition to 74.7 mg of vitamin C.
7- Strawberries
Per 100 grams of strawberries contain 4.86 grams of sugar, and it is considered a low-carb fruit.
8- Berries
Each 100 grams of berries contains 57 calories and 85.6 grams of water, carbohydrates reach 12.9 grams, protein 1.01 grams, and fats about 0.19 grams, while sugar and vitamin C reach 2.68 grams and 23 mg, respectively.
9- Orange
Orange has many health benefits because it contains potassium, which can help lower blood pressure, as well as a large amount of immune-boosting vitamin C, while carbohydrates do not exceed 11.8 grams per 100 grams and sugar does not exceed 8.57 grams.
10- Plum
Prunes are known for their dark purple color and are low in calories and carbohydrates. Every 100 grams of plum contains 11.4 grams of carbohydrates, only 46 calories and 9.92 grams of sugar.