The Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (ESAD) Miguel Salcedo Hierro de Córdoba has hosted this Friday the presentation of the XV Festival ‘Marzo a Escena’, an international cultural and training event through which great personalities from the world of performing arts and which, on this occasion, is part of the 75th anniversary of the ESAD and which is sponsored by the Delegation of Culture of the Córdoba City Council and the Cajasol Foundation, with the collaboration of the CEP of Córdoba.
As the Junta de Andaluca has indicated in a note, the festival takes place throughout the month of March, alternating shows and theatrical productions at the Duque de Rivas Theater of ESAD itself and the Sala Orive, as well as training workshops at the headquarters of the Cajasol Foundation, all of them open to the public.
The territorial delegate of the Department of Educational Development and Vocational Training, José Francisco Viso, has presented this new edition of the festival accompanied by the delegate of Promotion, Culture and Historical Heritage of the Córdoba City Council, Marin Aguilar, and the director of ESAD, Raquel Jury.
The festival is sponsored by the City Council Department of Culture and the Cajasol Foundation, with the collaboration of the CEP of Córdoba.
The ESAD of Córdoba, the oldest in Andalusia, lives this course a special year as it celebrates its 75th anniversary. A pioneer in social inclusion, as well as in research, this center is linked to a multitude of cultural and artistic entities in Córdoba and the province, largely thanks to the existence of a highly committed management team and faculty dedicated to constant preparation and training. .
The Duque de Rivas Theater is the second largest professional theater in Andalusia, owned by the Junta and linked by regulations to ESAD. In this space and in the Sala Orive the shows of companies formed by graduates of the Superior School of Dramatic Art will take place.
Thanks to the sponsorship of the Cajasol Foundation and the collaboration of the CEP of Córdoba, training workshops related to different areas of performing arts will be given at the headquarters of said foundation, such as collective creation, characterization, movement training, etc. lighting, body and voice through the ‘Feldenkrais’ method, formulation of cultural projects, or inclusion and accessibility in the performing arts.