Home » Health » 10 Benefits of California Papaya Fruit for Health, Maintain Digestive Health

10 Benefits of California Papaya Fruit for Health, Maintain Digestive Health

6. Increase the production of red blood cells

California papaya fruit contains iron, which is very good for increasing the production of red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells are essential for carrying oxygen throughout the body and help prevent anemia. In one serving of California papaya, there are about 0.8 mg of iron.

7. Reducing the risk of cancer

The benefits of California papaya, which contains active compounds such as lycopene, beta-carotene, and flavonoids, can prevent cancer. These compounds work by fighting free radicals and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. In addition, California papaya is also rich in fiber, which can help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

8. Improve bone health

California papaya fruit contains important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are very good for maintaining bone health. Calcium and phosphorus are needed to form and maintain strong bones, while magnesium is needed to absorb calcium into the bones. In one serving of California papaya, there are about 33.6 mg of calcium, 23.8 mg of magnesium and 20.2 mg of phosphorus.

9. Increase metabolism

The benefits of California papaya fruit which contains vitamin B complex, can increase the body’s metabolism. Vitamin B complex is needed to convert food into energy, and accelerate the burning of fat in the body. In one serving of California papaya, there are about 0.1 mg of thiamine (vitamin B1), 0.1 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2), and 0.5 mg of niacin (vitamin B3).

10. Maintain healthy teeth and gums

California papaya fruit contains vitamin C, which is very good for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Vitamin C is needed to help repair tissue in the gums and teeth, and prevent gingivitis. In one serving of California papaya, there are about 95.6% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Even so, as with other foods and drinks, consumption of California papaya also needs to be consumed wisely and in balance. Consuming too much California papaya fruit can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems. Therefore, make sure to consume it in the right amount and in balance with your body’s needs.

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