Michel Serres died on Saturday June 1, at the age of 88. Born in Agen in 1930, he was a philosopher, teacher, columnist and sometimes actor. A member of the French Academy, he devoted part of his work to questions of morality linked to scientific progress.
From his native Lot-et-Garonne, he has always kept a hint of a South-West accent. When he returned to Agen by chance from a family visit or a signing session, Michel Serres never failed to talk rugby.
I’m still following the AUS results.
he would say with a smile when asked about his regional ties. The club also paid him a vibrant tribute on its Twitter account on Saturday:
First steps in the Navy
Michel Serres was born in Agen on September 1, 1930. His father was a sailor on the Garonne. He was destined for a life as a sailor. A graduate of the Naval Academy in 1949 and of the École Normale Supérieure 3 years later, Michel Serres will obtain his philosophy aggregation in 1955 before starting a career as a Naval Officer.
Michel Serres would no doubt have embraced a scientific career, but the explosion of the atomic bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in August 1945, will upset the course of his life. He was only 15 years old, but he will explain much later:
From that moment on, a certain number of people left science to reflect, first of all, on the problems posed by science.
Science sans conscience…
The first part of his work is therefore devoted ethical issues related to technical and scientific progress.He will teach the history of science at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris from 1969 and at Stanford University in California from 1984.
Ecology will be the other major theme of his life. In 1990, he published “the natural contract” philosophical reflection on ecology through the Law, where he already insisted on the need for Man to be reconciled with the Earth. That same year, he dons the green habit under the dome.
A the French AcademyMichel Serres takes his place on the 18th armchair. A place where sat before him Edgard Faure, Andre Francois-Poncetthe Marshal Ferdinand Foch or Philippe Petain who was he sentenced to national indignity after the Second World War and expelled from the French Academy
These surnames punctuate our century at the same rhythm as the wars, among millions of deaths on the battlefields, under the bombardments and in the extermination camps.
he will recall, the day of his entry under the Dome, when reading his traditional thanks
From this work as an academician will be born in particular “Little Thumbelina” reflection on the impact of new technologies on education. This text will be a great success in bookstores with 200,000 copies sold in France.
Immortal therefore under the gold of the Dome, Michel Serres remains no less attached to earthly foods. He was also a life member of theBordeaux Wine Academy
The only Academy that really matters.
he said humorously.
Radio Choir every Sunday on France Info, Actor in the 80s in films by Quebec filmmaker Pierre Perrault, Michel Serres will also be appointed in 1994, President of the scientific council of La Cinquième, the chain of knowledge and knowledge launched by Jean-Marie Cavada.
A jack-of-all-trades resolutely turned towards the future.
In 2017 he published ” It was better before ” to editions The Apple tree. A small manifesto which he presented as follows:
Ten Grumpy Grandpa’s keep saying to Little Thumbelina, unemployed or intern who will pay for these retirees for a long time: “It was better before.” However, that’s good, before, precisely, I was there. I can draw up an expert assessment. Which begins like this: before, we governed Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao… nothing but good people; Before, wars and state crimes left behind tens of millions of dead. Long, the continuation of these festivities will edify you.
His detractors readily described him as a naïve philosopher. He wanted to be resolutely optimistic. Many personalities have paid tribute to him, such as Jacques Attali:
Find the story of Michel Serres, the immortal optimist: