Home » Health » Cough that doesn’t go away, 1 in 5 of these things can be the cause |Republika Online

Cough that doesn’t go away, 1 in 5 of these things can be the cause |Republika Online

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Coughs caused by colds usually subside within three weeks. When cough If this happens for a long time, there may be other underlying health problems.

Adults can be said to have a prolonged cough or chronic cough if they have a cough for eight weeks or more. Whereas in children, the cough is said to be prolonged if it lasts for four weeks or more.

At least, there are five health problems that are known to cause chronic cough. The following are the five health problems, as reported Times of India:

1. Past infection

Coughing is basically the body’s way of cleaning the lungs with the aim of healing. One history of infectious diseases that can trigger a chronic cough is Covid-19. People who experience a prolonged cough due to a history of previous infections, should consult a doctor for further treatment.

2. Cigarettes

There are many chemicals and particles in smoke cigarette which can irritate the throat. Hence, custom smoking can trigger a chronic cough.

Smoking habits can also exacerbate cough symptoms in patients with asthma and respiratory infections. Not only that, smoking habits can trigger chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which can cause symptoms of chronic cough.

3. Pneumonia

This lung infection can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. This disease can trigger a dry cough or cough with phlegm that produces phlegm that is green, yellow, or mixed with blood. Symptoms of cough due to pneumonia are often accompanied by other symptoms such as sweating, shortness of breath, and fever.

4. TB

Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infectious disease that usually attacks the lungs. However, TB can also attack other organs such as the kidneys, brain or spine.

TB that attacks the lungs often causes symptoms of a chronic cough. in patients TB pulmonary, cough symptoms can last for three weeks or more. Sometimes, this cough symptom will be accompanied by blood or mucus. Some other symptoms of pulmonary TB are fatigue, unexplained weight loss, chest pain, fever, night sweats, chills, and decreased appetite.

5. Lung cancer

Patient lung cancer may experience prolonged or chronic cough symptoms. These cough symptoms can even get worse over time.

In addition to chronic cough, lung cancer patients may experience symptoms such as chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, and unexplained weight loss. Some lung cancer patients may not experience significant symptoms until the cancer has grown more severe.

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