Home » Entertainment » FACT CHECK: Ashanty is angry, Aurel is insulted by Atta’s sister, Geni surrenders?

FACT CHECK: Ashanty is angry, Aurel is insulted by Atta’s sister, Geni surrenders?

Denpasar Sound – There is quite alarming news from the YouTuber family Atta Halilintarif his sister and mother Genes had insulted his wife Aurel Hermansyah Openly.

Reporting from the Hot Kiss YouTube channel in the video entitled ‘Sadistic! Aurel Is Completely Insulted By Atta’s Sister, Ashanty Enraged, Geni Surrenders When Showing Ashanty !!’. Quoted by Suara Denpasar, Wednesday (08/03/2023).

In the narration, Voice Over explains that Aurel has received insults from his sister-in-law plus his father-in-law has admitted that he is not the ideal daughter-in-law.

In the video that lasts 2 minutes 6 seconds, it seems that it’s just a photo of Aurel together with his husband Atta Halilintar.

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According to the narrator, Youtube Hot Kiss, which has been broadcast since Tuesday (07/03/2023) and has reached 1,587 views.

So, does this information match the actual facts? Check out the info carefully below.


It seems clear indeed on the Hot Kiss YouTube channel with a link that reads, ‘Call Aurel Not the Ideal Son-in-law. Ashanty Goes Angry Until Shows Geni’s Face, which is in line with the thumbnail photo, Ashanty can be seen pointing at Geni, but the photo is just the result of engineering and bad creativity from the narrator.

There is no news on either social media or national TV media that explains the bad events that have befallen the families of Aurel and Atta. Even though the narrator has explained in such a way, the validity of the information he gets is not credible.

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When the Suara Denpasar team conducted a fact search on Aurel’s or Atta’s Instagram accounts, everything seemed fine. The @attahalilintar account posted a photo of the three of them wearing predominantly black clothes, Aurel in a standing position accompanying his child and husband who were sitting. The post was captioned “Happy Monday”. Write @attahalilintar on Monday (06/03/2023).


The results of the investigation by the Suara Denpasar team, concluded that all information conveyed on the Hot Kiss YouTube channel was declared as fake news (hoax). Quoted by Suara Denpasar, Wednesday (08/03/2023). (Rizal/*)

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