The present investigation was carried out in the Chiguirip district, La Laguna farmhouse, Chota province, Cajamarca region during the months of April to August of the year 2018. In order to evaluate the effect of three chemical fertilizers (Diammonium Phosphate, Compomaster and Yaramila Hydran) at a dose of 100 and 200 gr/plant. For this, a completely randomized block design was used with four repetitions and seven treatments. The analysis of variance (ANVA) was used and for the comparison of means of the results obtained, the Tukey test was used at 95% confidence. The evaluated treatments were T0 (0 gr/plant), T1 (Compomaster 100 gr/plant), T2 (Diammonium Phosphate 100 gr/plant), T3 (Yaramila Hydran 100 gr/plant), T4 (Compomaster 200 gr/plant), T5 (Diammonium Phosphate 200 gr/plant) and T6 (Yaramila Hydran 200 gr/plant). The variables evaluated were: emergence percentage, plant height, number of stems, number of stolons, number of tubers, and tuber weight. The results indicated that there were significant differences between treatments, with T6 having the highest average plant height of 43.73 cm and the lowest average result being treatment T0 with a value of 30.11 respectively. In the number of runners per plant, the highest average value was obtained at T5 with 9.43 and the lowest number at T0 with an average value of 6.91. In the harvest, a greater number of tubers per plant was obtained at T5 with an average value of 9.14 and the lowest number of tubers at T0 with an average value of 6.34, for the weight of the potato per plant it was found with greater weight at T5 with an average value of 0.23 and the lowest tuber weight at T0 with an average value of 0.11 kg/plant and the highest average yield was obtained in T5 6.49 t/ha. and the lowest yield of tubers at T0 with an average value of 2.97 t/ha, reaching the conclusion that the fertilizer to increase the production yield of the single variety potato is Diammonium Phosphate fertilizer at a dose of 200 gr. /plant.