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Inter-union press release: Mozart high school on the edge of the abyss!

The Mozart high school (Le Blanc-Mesnil) on the edge of the abyss: what can we still expect from the Créteil academy?

In Bobigny, January 4, 2023
Since the start of the 2021 school year, the staff of the Mozart high school (Le Blanc-Mesnil) suffer the brutalizing methods of a headteacher who, after having raged in a neighboring academy, was installed with great fanfare by the rector of Créteil. In the fantasy scenario constructed by the academic authorities, it was a question of putting an end to the “establishment culture” of a high school presented as “unmanageable”. It has to be said that at the Lycée Mozart, the National Education system seems very little interested in the success, fulfillment and emancipation of the pupils, even less in the well-being of the staff: priority is given to spraying a well-established professional collective which, through its unfailing involvement, has largely contributed to making it a recognized establishment so far.

However, since the start of the 2021 school year, nothing has gone right at the Lycée Mozart. Our trade unions have constantly alerted National Education at all levels to the management by stress and intimidation put in place by the principal since his arrival and to the extreme suffering of the staff which results therefrom. . Doubt is no longer allowed: the Lycée Mozart is the paradigm of the upcoming france-telecomization.

Last year, already, the visit of the CHSCTD of May 19 had revealed a highly abusive operation. But the recommendations voted on by this joint body were trampled on by the headmaster from the start of the 2022 school year. establishment at the expense of students and staff – a complaint was filed by the elected parents against the headmaster and a report to the public prosecutor was written by several school staff –, numerous articles of press have detailed in detail a system of terror that crushes colleagues one after the other and confines them to a state of distress that portends the worst.

For many months, the rectorate of Créteil has deliberately turned a blind eye to the toxic intrigues of the head of the establishment. How to explain that two reports of the preventive medicine of the DSDEN 93 which report a serious situation of collective suffering within the school, written on May 25 and September 26, 2022, remained a dead letter after their transmission to the rectorate?

During a hearing in Créteil on November 10, 2022, during which the representatives of the staff and the parents of pupils again asked for the departure of the current head of establishment, no concrete answer was given. provided by academic authorities. A “situation assessment mission” was dispatched from Friday 25 to Tuesday 29 November: it was to deliver its conclusions “as soon as possible”. To date, staff have received no feedback, in any form whatsoever.
or, despite the commitments made by the institution.

Today, as we had predicted and announced, the permanent intimidation and terror ended up getting the better of the health of our colleagues and the continuity of public service: the number of colleagues placed on sick leave for burnout, work anxiety or depression explodes within the establishment. Faced with this deleterious situation, the principal persists in pursuing his scorched earth policy by denigrating, during the last class councils, the sick teachers who, according to him, lack professional conscience.

How long will this intolerable situation last? We continue to give our full support to the staff of the establishment and demand in particular the withdrawal of a disciplinary report as extravagant as it is misleading written by the headmaster against two colleagues. Before it is too late, it is with great solemnity that we ask the academic and ministerial authorities to renounce this repression which does not say its name and to act as quickly as possible. For the health and safety of all at Lycée Mozart, the time for delaying maneuvers is over: a new headteacher must be appointed to restore dialogue and a climate conducive to the work and well-being of the entire school community.

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