Home » Technology » Bing Chat has secret mode: can impersonate famous people

Bing Chat has secret mode: can impersonate famous people

Recently, Microsoft introduced three new modes in the chat bot Bing Chat where the user can choose how the AI ​​should respond: creative, balanced or accurate. This is to make it easier to strike the right tone in the conversation depending on what the user is looking for.

But there is also a secret mode: “celebrity mode”, where the AI ​​imitates famous people. This is reported by Bleeping Computer, which also writes that you have to ask the chatbot for the function yourself in order for it to be activated.

“Bing Chat celebrity mode is a feature that allows you to chat with a virtual version of a famous person, such as an actor, singer or athlete,” the chatbot himself writes about the feature.

According to the site, Bing Chat doesn’t appear to be able to impersonate anyone right now, but is limited to a number of celebrities, including Elon Musk, Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé and Tom Hanks. Also fictional characters are in the repertoire, such as Gandalf, Harry Potter and Yoda.

With a little trickery, it is also possible to get Bing Chat to imitate politicians such as Joe Biden and Donald Trump, according to the report Bleeping Computer.

Bing Chat celebrity mode should be activated by asking Bing about the new mode, then writing #celebrity followed by the celebrity’s name. When Computer Sweden tests, however, it is not possible to activate the function, which is apparently under limited testing.

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