Please tell me exactly where these countries are – Ukraine, Finland and Poland, because I got something wrong, Alexander Simov wrote on his Facebook profile
The socialist Alexander Simov caused a stormy discussion with a post on the network dedicated to the national holiday of Bulgaria, March 3.
“I keep reading about how Ukrainians, Finns, Poles and, until then, Russians died for our freedom. So I found a map of Europe from the time of the Berlin Congress in 1878. Please tell me exactly where these countries are – Ukraine, Finland and Poland, that I made a mistake…” Simov wrote on his Facebook profile.
“Congratulations Mr. Simov! And I wonder why they don’t mention the participation of a representative of the fraternal Japanese people”, “If it wasn’t for the Russian tsar, neither one, nor the others, nor the third would have contributed to our liberation”, “It’s good that they also mention the Russians, but they mention them last, and this leads to a better memorization of that word. Here I see the long arm of Moscow”, “What to do, Euro-Atlanticians…”, “What objectivity do you expect from the current historians, political scientists, anthropologists, etc., who have a clearly set task everything related to Russia at the moment and in the past should be presented with a “minus” sign!”, are just some of the comments that still continue to appear under the post.
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