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Preventing Metabolic Syndrome, Experts Call for the Importance of Balanced Nutrition Intake in Children

Food Pharmacy Superintendent Junior Expert Meliza Suhartatik said, at least the public needs to pay attention to the four nutritional value information on the packaging label.

“Number of servings per package, total energy per serving, nutrients (fat, saturated fat, protein, carbohydrates (including sugar)) and the percentage of AKG (Nutrition Adequacy Rate) per serving,” he said.

In more detail, he explained, ideally in a day people should consume no more than 50 grams of sugar (equivalent to 4 tablespoons), no more than 5 grams of salt (equivalent to 1 teaspoon), and no more than 67 grams of fat (equivalent to 5 tablespoons). ).

“By always carefully reading the packaging labels and making it a habit, people will be smarter in sorting out what nutrients must be fulfilled and which must be limited in order to avoid various diseases, one of which is obesity,” he said.

The Food and Drug Administration also, continued Meliza, has carried out a campaign so that consumers choose products that suit their nutritional needs.

“One of the ways to make it easier for the public to choose healthier food is by including the description of the logo ‘Healthier Choices’ on processed food that meets the criteria for sugar, salt, fat and/or other nutrients. It is hoped that the public will be wise in choosing products and consuming them in moderation. reasonable amount,” he explained.

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