Magnesium B6 is one of the most important trace elements without which your body cannot live.
Without it, the body cannot live.
Magnesium B6 is one of the most important trace elements without which your body cannot live. And, in the literal sense.
It is a key participant in more than 300 chemical reactions through which metabolism occurs. Magnesium provides mobility and proper muscle function.
Thanks to him, the nervous system correctly transmits signals from the brain to various organs and tissues and vice versa. Inside the brain too.
Why Your Body Needs Magnesium
In general, iron is a trace element that is responsible for cellular respiration. A decrease in its level leads to oxygen starvation of all tissues in the body.
A sufficient amount of iron is a prerequisite for the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes). They contain the protein hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to all cells in the body.
Right now
If a blood test has confirmed the lack of this important trace element, it is necessary to replenish it right now. Then the symptoms of the disease will disappear.
To overcome the lack of vitamin B6 is usually prescribed:
Therapeutic diet. Meat, offal (tongue, liver), seafood must be present in the diet.
Oral iron preparations. Usually presented in the form of salts (sulfates, fumarates, gluconates).
Injections. It is recommended in extreme cases (when oral medications are ineffective or if there is a lot of blood loss) due to the risk of complications.
The standard course of treatment is at least six months. Usually, a course of vitamin C is prescribed in parallel. It improves the absorption of iron, respectively, increases the effectiveness of therapy.