Home » Health » The doctor spoke about the impact of sunlight on the duration of the season of viral infections

The doctor spoke about the impact of sunlight on the duration of the season of viral infections

According to the therapist Dilyara Abrarova, the sooner the sunny spring begins, the sooner the SARS season ends.

The duration of the flu and SARS season is influenced by sunlight, the level of ultraviolet radiation helps to strengthen the immune system. It is reported on March 2 Ura.rureferring to a general practitioner Dilyar Abrarov.

– Influenza viruses type A and B are seasonal – winter and early spring, and by mid-April the epidemic is on the decline. The duration of an influenza epidemic in large cities averages about eight weeks. The duration of seasonality is directly affected by sunlight, the level of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The sooner the sunny spring comes, the sooner the acute respiratory viral infections will go away, – quotes the news agency of the doctor.

She clarified that sunlight contributes to the production of vitamin D, which is involved in strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from viral infections.

Recall that the incidence of COVID-19, influenza and SARS in Russia over the past week began to decline. They began to get sick less in the Krasnodar Territory. The weekly epidemiological threshold was exceeded only in Krasnodar – by 7.9% among the total population.

Previously Candidate of Medical Sciences Andrey Kondrakhin warned about the danger of residual symptoms of influenza and SARS – if weakness, fatigue and cough persist for more than two weeks after the illness, you should consult a doctor again.

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