PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY – West Java Provincial Government confirms that no cases of bird flu H5N1 variant have been found, as it has spread in several European countries, America and Cambodia (Asia) that have spread to humans.
As for Avian Influenza What was detected in West Java was the ordinary H5N1 variant which was relatively harmless, namely in Cirebon City and Cimahi City.
Confirmation of the common bird flu was the result of the Subang Veterinary Center laboratory which was then sent to the Ministry of Health.
Even so, vigilance is needed, both from the ranks of animal health, poultry farmers, and the public to anticipate the latest H5N1 variant.
According to the Head of the West Java Food Security and Animal Husbandry Service (DKPP) Arifin Soedjayana, vigilance is mainly to avoid economic losses due to the mass death of poultry.
Then ensure that the community’s need for poultry meat is sufficient, as well as the transmission of the virus from poultry to humans (zoonoses).
“All levels of animal health are advised to increase awareness of the development of AI disease ( Avian Influenza ),” said Arifin Soedjayana when contacted, Tuesday (28/2/2023).
West Java DKPP has taken several steps to prevent the new variant of bird flu First, said Arifin, improve communication, information and education to the public and poultry farmers, so that they immediately report to the nearest animal health officer if they find sick or suddenly dead birds.
Second, animal health officials immediately respond to public reports using the ‘3 Quick’ principles, namely Quick Detection, Quick Report, and Quick Response, according to the SOP for bird flu control.
Third, increase the guidance and assistance of breeders to implement biosecurity measures to prevent disease germs from entering poultry farms.
“Small and medium scale commercial poultry farms should implement 3 Zone Biosecurity as a simple, economical, practical and effective bissecurity pilot model,” said Arifin.
Fourth, assisting breeders to carry out the ‘3 Right AI Vaccinations’ namely Right Vaccines, Right Repeat Programs, and Right Vaccination Techniques.
Arifin added that AI vaccination in ducks is recommended using the AI vaccine Subtype H5N1 clade 2.3.2. In laying hens vaccine clade 2.1.3, or clade 2.3.2, or a combination vaccine of clade 2.1.3 and clade 2.3.2 of national production.
Equally important, improving the implementation of sanitation throughout the poultry marketing chain in order to break the chain of virus transmission.
“(And) Minimizing the risk of transmission to the general public,” said Arifin.
Farmers are advised to adopt clean and healthy living habits, such as wearing masks when handling live or dead poultry. Afterwards wash your hands and feet with water and soap.
The seventh step, procuring chicks or DOC ( Day Old Chick ) are urged to come from the compartment breeding Farm which already has a bird flu free certificate.
Eighth, said Arifin, coordinate with the district/city health office if people are found experiencing flu-like symptoms around the suspected AI case.
Meanwhile, Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Society DKPP Jabar drh. Supriyanto said the control of officers and breeders to anticipate bird flu was still carried out as stated in the AI Alert Circular from the Head of West Java DKPP.
Meanwhile, he is grateful that the H5N1 variant has not yet appeared in Indonesia. “There is no specific vaccine for H5N1 clade in Indonesia,” he concluded.