According to the analyst, the Russians have always tried to “throw caps” on the enemy and use their quantitative advantage, despite heavy losses.
The Russian army is used to fighting with quantity, not quality. The occupiers have always used their numerical advantage to wear down their opponent on the battlefield and win.
This was stated by an expert on national security issues, an analyst at the Democratic Initiatives Foundation. Ilka Kucheriva Taras Zhovtenko, informs FREEDOM.
“Losses for the Russian army, in principle, are quite significant, but in a certain sense they are compensated by a quantitative approach. That is, the Russian military has been prescribed since Soviet times that losses up to 30% is a loss admissible, and everything above is already possible worry a little and try to use the resource that is in reserve,” Zhovtenko said.
The expert noted that the Russians are trying to compensate for the lack of military equipment by reopening stocks from the times of the USSR. Therefore, every time the quality of Russian technology will be worse and worse.
“There will be no such army that was in Russia on February 23, 2022 for at least the next few decades. They are just trying to switch to this quantity regime, in horde mode“, he explained.
Zhovtenko also noted that the Russian military-industrial complex cannot cope with the losses that the Russian army will suffer at the front. That is why the Kremlin “rakes out” all stocks from Belarus and negotiates with North Korea and Iran.
“The longer this war continues, the worse the situation will become both at the front and inside the country for the Russians. That is time is definitely playing against them‘, summed up the expert.
Earlier, the Pentagon said that Russia would not be able to achieve success at the front during the year. Recall that the losses of the Russian army at the front exceeded 149 thousand. Over the past day, another 550 Russian soldiers were liquidated.
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