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Instagram account blocked? What to do in 2023

It became yours Instagram account blocked and you want it unlocked right away. Understandable. I can help you with that.

I am a lawyer specializing in suspended accounts and disabled accounts. Instagram is only an online platform and has to comply with applicable law.

  • What to do when Instagram account is blocked?
  • Why was the account deactivated?
  • How long? For what reasons?
  • Ask a lawyer for free.

What to do if Instagram account has been blocked?

I am the operator of the website


and help my clients when things get critical. Together we take action against banks, crypto exchanges and social media platforms when an account has been illegally blocked.

Instagram is no exception. So what to do? I offer one to all concerned free initial assessment at. Send me a non-binding e-mail to tell me what happened.

I’ll be in touch with one soon legal feedback on your situation back to you. Then you can freely decide whether and if so, how to proceed.

Instagram Account Banned, Appeal? Does that do anything at all?

You can file an appeal or complaint against a disabled account on Instagram. This means that you officially tell Instagram support how dissatisfied you are with the account suspension.

Is that useful? Questionable. Because an account blocking is always an exceptional situation. Instagram doesn’t block anyone “accidentally” or “for fun”.

So should Your objection “fizzle out” can if Instagram imposed a “true ban” from the start. My tip: try anyway! If Instagram can’t activate and unblock your account within 1-2 days, please contact me without obligation.

Has your Instagram account been deactivated for no reason? The reasons.

For those affected whose Instagram account has been blocked, it may seem like “for no reason”. But there are certainly reasons.

It is exciting, however, whether you reasons also be communicated in a comprehensible manner by Instagram. Because sometimes online platforms are a bit “strange” in communicating with customers.

You can assume that your Account not blocked without reason became. You must vehemently ask about the true background if something is unclear. At the latest, your lawyer can shed light on this.

Why was my Instagram account blocked and deactivated?

From my experience I can name a lot of reasons why platforms close accounts “out of the blue”. Instagram is neither better nor worse than other portals.

alleged policy violation (“community guidelines”) copyright infringement, which have been reported by rights holders criminal relevant content such as insults Inappropriate postings, images or videos that to tasteless are!
Allegation of manipulation by Instagram (eg fake accounts used) competition “reported” you to Instagram with flimsy justifications Hackers took over your account and Instagram wants to protect you with the lock Her Right to freedom of expression is not recognized by Instagram – critical opinions censored?

Sometimes Instagram only means well with the lock!

If suspicious activity on your account are detected by Instagram, a temporary account suspension may be in place for your protection. For example, it could be that a completely unknown IP address was detected behind an Instagram login attempt.

instagram then tries to get you in front of one potential hacking attack or protect against phishing attack. So don’t panic – not every account lock is a nightmare, but could prevent it.

But these cases should not be the reason why you are reading this article here. Because with such a protective measure Instagram tells you in no uncertain terms that it’s a ban for your protection – and nothing else!

How long does an Instagram account get banned? For the duration of the ban!

How long your Instagram account remains deactivated depends on the individual case. Actually, Instagram should have a vital interest in being able to unlock and unlock your account as quickly as possible.

But the duration of an account suspension can be weeks or months. Don’t be surprised if your objection or complaint “fizzles out”.

My opinion: if your Instagram account is blocked and not within a few hours or maximum 1-2 days is unlocked, you should take legal action against this encroachment on your freedom rights.

How can I unblock or unblock my Instagram account?

Either your objection (or your complaint) to Instagram is successful or not. If not, you may need to consult an attorney. Your lawyer should specialize in account freezes.

Then it’s up legal basis to argue. And not with the support of Instagram, but with the legal department there. Your request will be taken seriously.

On a legal basis, one can Instagram account unblocked and unlocked if the original block was unlawful. That’s definitely the case, for example when Instagram didn’t look closely enough.

My experiences as a lawyer for account closures – when it comes to money, react immediately!

I’ll tell you how it is. Maybe you are a content creator on Instagram and earn your living with it. Or you’re well on your way to doing so soon.

Then it goes with one blocked Instagram account possibly for your livelihood. Take that seriously. A ban “for no reason” or a tedious back-and-forth with support is totally inappropriate.

It’s not for free numerous court decisions, in which judges have strengthened the rights of platform users. Instagram has to comply with the law in Germany – point, set, over.

How do I work with my clients – together against the digital goliath?

I’m not afraid of contact with huge platforms like Instagram. This is because I assert the claims of my clients in a legally impeccable manner.

From me there is no legal letters “into the blue”. Before I accept a mandate, I discuss the possibilities and the chances of success. So it is clear that only promising steps are taken.

Accordingly secure I am confident that I can help you further if I accept your mandate. Together we will work through what the account blocking on Instagram is all about for you. And we will promptly respond to that Legal Department of Instagram approach – friendly, or not so friendly. That depends on many details.

Experiences of others whose Instagram account was blocked!

From my office I could tell you a multitude of cases in which people have been “locked up overnight” online. This goes through all online platforms.

Some of the platforms show little respect for their users. That bothers me on a personal level, since I use these platforms myself. I would like to be treated as equals by “online giants” like Instagram:

What you can and should do yourself immediately!

Think strategically. Don’t send angry emails to Instagram. Firstly, this will not bring anything, and secondly, it will jeopardize your future cooperation with this platform.

They want yours Unlock and unlock account let, do not spark a personal dispute with the support. Therefore, it is important to remain calm and prudent. Aside from that:

  1. Screenshots of every message Instagram sent you before and after account suspension.
  2. Save the AGB (Terms of Use) that you clicked on at the time. You can find this information directly on Instagram or in your mailbox.
  3. Compare your experience with the objection to the experiences of other stakeholders. You can find a lot of information about it on the internet.

What not to do if your Instagram account got banned!

Buying fake followers or getting clicks and likes from dubious third-party providers is of little help. Because Instagram didn’t fall on its head. The platform recognizes tampering attempts and punishes them accordingly.

Rightly so. Ultimately, who does it help if the signals of other users are falsified? they run Dangerthat not only your account, but you as a person are unwanted on Instagram.

This would also affect future, other accounts of yours. Therefore, it is better to leave such experiments alone. It will be difficult for a lawyer to help you if Instagram provides solid evidencethat you were involved in manipulations. But even in such cases, a solution can certainly still be found.

Time is running out? I can imagine that.

I know that a banned Instagram account is hell for a successful content creator. Because the followers are waiting for “new material” – and the competition doesn’t sleep.

You also miss it advertising revenue and Potential. You need support accordingly quickly. In more complicated cases, such as copyright infringement or an alleged violation of the community guidelines, you should consult a lawyer at an early stage.

Because you should Instagram account unnecessarily long stay locked, this can endanger your entrepreneurial existence in this regard. It doesn’t always make sense to wait “forever” for ultimately unhelpful feedback from support.

How will my free initial assessment work for you if your Instagram account has been blocked?

I help those affected whose account has been deactivated on Instagram. And without ifs and buts.

you write me an email without obligation, in which you write down briefly and succinctly what happened. What did Instagram tell you about the suspended account? How long has the ban been active? Is there an “unpleasant history?”

The more information you give me, the more targeted I can be free initial assessment submit to your situation. On my site


you can see I’m cracking down on all sorts of banks, crypto exchanges and social media platforms. It is important to me that my clients can again pursue their online profession in a relaxed manner.

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