The “OTV” channel reported that “after the confessions of the murder of Sheikh Ahmed Al-Rifai, an emergency meeting will be held in the meantime at Dar Al-Fatwa, in the presence of the Mufti of Akkar, Sheikh Zaid Zakaria.”
And the “OTV” channel had reported that “information indicates that the person arrested by the army, M.M., confessed to carrying out the murder of Sheikh Ahmed Al-Rifai.” Fearing possible reactions as a result of the murder of Sheikh Al-Rifai.
And she confirmed, “The Internal Security Forces went to the vicinity of Dahour Hussein in Oyoun al-Samak – Minieh district, where it was recognized that Sheikh al-Rifai’s body was disposed of there.”
And Al-Jadeed TV revealed that “the kidnapping of Sheikh Al-Rifai was planned and carried out by his relatives, against the background of big and old disputes.”