Neeraj Madhav is an actor who came up with small roles and became a leading actor. Neeraj Madhav, who started in Malayalam, has now crossed Malayalam and made his presence felt in Tamil and Bollywood. Neeraj has shared photos of his daughter ‘Nilanka”s second birthday celebration through Instagram. Sharing the photo of his daughter, Neeraj wrote, “Happy birthday to our little fairy, 2nd birthday. Fans and colleagues are now wishing Nilanga on his birthday. Kunchacko Boban, Shane Nigam, Anthony Varghese Pepe and others came to attend the birthday celebration. The photos of Peppa and Kunchaco Boban with light-up horns on their heads are taking over the social media. A daughter was born to Neeraj and Deepti in the month of February 2021. Neeraj Madhav shared his baby’s face with his fans for the first time on his daughter’s first birthday. Neeraj Madha and Deepti shared naughty pictures with their daughters through social media. Neeraj entered the industry with the film Buddy in 2013. Neeraj has acted in many films like 1983, Apothikiri, Saptamashree Taskara, Oru Vadkan Selfie.
Neeraj Madhav Daughter, Nilanka’s birthday made colorful by Neeraj and family Neeraj | Nilanka | – Actor Neeraj Madhav shares daughter’s birthday celebration photos
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