Home » Business » Do not even poke your nose at the car market if you do not know these schemes: deception at every turn

Do not even poke your nose at the car market if you do not know these schemes: deception at every turn

When buying a car, be sure to consider them.

It is probably impossible to imagine a car market without resellers. Especially if you buy used cars. And, unfortunately, most often these are unscrupulous people. Therefore, the buyer runs the risk of being with a “pig in a poke”. And there are more than enough ways to do this.

One of the representatives of this profession shared some work patterns. So, the probability of finding a broken, repainted, drowned car on the market is quite high, at least in Moscow.

Very often, “outbid” bred girls. Strongly knock down the price, declaring some phantom car problems. Taking advantage of the naivety of female car owners, “buyers” can buy a car for a third, or even half, cheaper.

Often, entrepreneurs negotiate with pickers. Therefore, you need to be careful with the latter.

There are also honest representatives of this profession who buy cars in good condition and bring them to good condition. In regional centers, there are more and more of these, according to the material of the portal “EkaterinburgOnline».

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