The microscopic contamination of daily contact surfaces is a topic that has become strongly established at a general level, especially since 2020. Many incorporated alcohol and hand sanitizers as elements of regular use when they got home from the street, however, few wonder about the contamination that is in contact with the soles of the shoes. whatHow many of these germs and bacteria enter people’s homes? A recent study carried out in the puddles of water on the streets of New York suggests that those who live in that city should begin to adopt new practices to take care of their health and that of their families.
Although tourists and locals alike have probably gotten used to avoiding puddles, Alessandra Leri, professor of chemistry and chair of natural sciences at Marymount Manhattan College, said in Fox 5 that, according to his study, the situation is more serious than it seems.
From his scientific experience, the soil of large cities harbors the greatest amount of bacteria possible. Thus, it was proposed to analyze the streets of the Upper East Side, in Manhattan, to have concrete data. Leri took samples and confirmed what she already suspected: “If you walk around New York City, you’re going to find fecal bacteria on the soles of your shoes,” she said.
In the study, the specialist determined that even the cleanest streets have this problem: “We found quite surprising amounts of bacteria in the puddles of natural rainwater. These were puddles that didn’t look dirty, but rather clean places on the sidewalk,” he commented, urging them to be avoided, as bacteria can be carried home if care is not taken.
“Thirty thousand bacterial cells for every 100 milliliters of water. The EPA has a reference point that cities use to close the beaches, which is 110 cells per 100 milliliters of water,” shared the researcher to give an overview of the contamination, according to statements from CBS News.
Leri assured that microorganisms adhere to the soles of shoes when you step on a puddle or even to any other street surface. This makes it easier for them to enter homes, especially if people are not used to take off your shoes when you get home a tactic that the specialist urged to incorporate.
It must be remembered that when the Covid-19 pandemic began, it was also one of the measures that was followed the most, both at home and in businesses. Many even adopted the special doormats, with disinfectant liquid.
Another important point to consider is pets at home, which, after a walk, can enter these bacteria on their feet and then transmit them to carpets, armchairs, beds and floors. To avoid this, the expert added a recommendation: clean your extremities after a walk.
In a response to this study, the New York Department of Sanitation assured that they are focused on keeping the city safe, clean and healthy. Likewise, the authority reminded animal owners that it is vitally important to remove animal droppings after a walk.