The lack of food supplies for birds, such as Bolivian soybeans, and the risk of contagion of avian flu, are some factors that are generating an increase in the price of chicken by up to 15.00 soles per kilo, in the main markets of the region, This was reported by the president of the Chamber of Commerce of La Libertad (CCLL), Alfonso Medrano Samame.
The president of the business union also explained that in La Libertad before, about 17 million chickens were produced per month; However, now the main poultry companies have reduced production by up to a million and a half less due to the lack of food supplies such as Bolivarian soybeans and the lack of vaccines against bird flu.
“There is a crisis in the sector for two reasons, firstly the blockade of roads in the south that does not allow the entry of Bolivian soybeans; and second, avian influenza, which we hope today Senasa approves the use of vaccines with chief resolution and in two more weeks we will know what vaccines we can use. For now, the load of chickens on the farm has been reduced for fear of not having food or being contaminated due to not having the vaccines against the avian influenza virus “Medrano Samame maintained.
The also member of the Technical and Reputation Team of the Peruvian Poultry Association (APA) pointed out that as the Chamber of Commerce of La Libertad (CCLL) steps have been taken to prioritize the application of vaccines to birds throughout the country, and thus avoid the spread of avian influenza that has already registered cases in Lima, Ica, Piura, Lambayeque and some areas surrounding La Libertad.
In addition, he indicated that La Libertad is the second largest producer of poultry nationwide and the Chamber of Commerce has negotiated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Development (Midagri) the urgent need to approve as soon as possible the chief’s resolution that allows vaccination of the birds. Likewise, Prime Minister Alberto Otárola has been told of the strategic importance of solving the problem since chickens and eggs represent 70% of the protein consumed by Peruvians.
Finally, it should be noted that the blockades in Chao and Virú also affected the sector, since they prevented the normal transfer of chickens and eggs to cities in the south of the country, harming the poultry industry and other sectors, increasing the sale age of birds.
“Government officials cannot be oblivious to the needs of the people, for this reason we ask the authorities to authorize the vaccination immediately and to sign the chief’s resolution, there are no more paperwork to do. How many more birds will be contaminated until March 3? As long as the birds are not vaccinated, the raising of chickens will not increase, now the kilo of chicken is 15 soles and it will rise much more if it is not vaccinated due to the fear of contagionhe asserted.