California: The largest Catholic parish church in North America is now in Visalia, California. Named after St. Charles Borromeo, Fresno Archdiocese Bishop Joseph V. Brennan was ordained in early February. Built on an area of 34,000 square feet, the temple has seating for 3,200 people. Thousands participated in the online telecasting of the temple liturgy.
During the consecration, Bishop Joseph said that this temple is a physical manifestation of hope and a powerful symbol. “Thousands of people will come here for the sacrament and hearing the sermon. Thousands of people will be spiritually and physically nourished through the services offered here,’ he added.
Various parts of the temple, including the sacrari, are made of locally available red sequoia wood. Other attractions of the temple are wall paintings and other natural decorations that highlight the features of the area. The 14,000-family St. Charles Berromeo Church is one of four churches under Good Shepherd Parish in Visalia.
In the coming years, the Idakawa leadership also plans to prepare pilgrimage centers in the names of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Immaculate Heart, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and the Sacred Heart of Jesus in connection with the church. It was also notable that the believers were given the opportunity to worship the relics of 20 saints before the temple sacrament.