Home » Health » Occitania. It’s time to give your opinion on your health

Occitania. It’s time to give your opinion on your health

Until March 31, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Occitanie is launching a campaign in which it invites the 6 million inhabitants of the region to “express themselves about their health”. This citizen consultation aims to collect ideas and proposals for solutions “to improve health”.

Until March 31, theRegional Health Agency (ARS) would like to give the floor to share your opinions. The Agency wishes to put “your health needs at the heart of concerns”. And it is through a questionnaire that everything will happen! This agreement is, in practice, open to everyone, on the website: jeparticipe.occitanie.ars.sante.fr.

Ce online questionnaire is structured in three parts : ” How are you doing ? » (feelings), « and for you your health: what priority? (priority needs), and “Together, let’s get health moving!” (expected developments and proposals).

Your answers will guide the ARS which will set, by this summer, the priorities of the regional health policy for 2023-2028. It wishes to take into account everyone’s opinion and feelings on this plan, to develop its priorities for the regional health policy.

“Building solutions for health, near you”

« This citizen consultation will complement the exchanges that we have organized in recent months with professionals and elected officials. “, Indicates the press release from ARS Occitanie. The questionnaire includes open questions pour « collect ideas and concrete proposals “. It is composed of a fifteen questions about health, followed by details aimed at providing information on age, sex, place of residence, personal and professional situation. These statistical data exclude any other element related to personal identity and will remain anonymous for all.

To begin the questionnaire, the ARS asks you six questions on “How is your health?” “: “In your opinion, how is health in general in Occitania? », « And near you, how is your health? “… Second part of the questionnaire, “your priorities on health”, which is broken down into three questions, then “let health move” with five questions on your ideas and your solutions concerning the subject. Finally, you will need to fill in some information about yourself. Depending on the questions, you can answer on a scale of 1 to 5, in free text or with a choice of answer

In addition to and within the framework of this system, the ARS will organize during the months of March and April, a citizen consultation workshop in each department of the region. Exchanges will be held for half a day with 20 to 40 people. representatives of more specific audiences or to address more targeted themes (youth health, mental health, etc.) ».

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