Home » Entertainment » “No investigation into him, exaggerated insults and body shaming against me”- Corriere.it

“No investigation into him, exaggerated insults and body shaming against me”- Corriere.it

«I have never given indications of carrying out an inquiry into Fedez’s alleged homosexuality. And I’m sorry for these exaggerated insults». Mario Giordano thus responds to the stories posted by Fedez in which the rapper accused the journalist of Out of the core (Rete4) to be the model of Serie B journalism. It doesn’t exist, I have never planned and I have no plans for any service of this type a Out of the core. Investigations will be broadcast on Tuesday on the topics I have always dealt with and which concern citizens’ problems: I will talk about the economic crisis and unemployment, security, those who have an occupied house and are unable to repossess their home. These are the battles I’m spending my energy on. There will be nothing on San Remo». Yet Fedez assures that a journalist contacted some of his friends and asked questions about his alleged homosexuality: “She is a collaborator who works with various Mediaset programs and also with us, but I cannot answer for everything a person does: if he stabs someone on the street, I certainly cannot be held responsible.’ So is it a personal initiative of the journalist? “I repeat. I never thought of making an inquiry into Fedez’s homosexuality».

Mario Giordano, however, did not like Fedez’s departure: «He used words and tones towards me that seem objectively exaggerated to me. Starting with body shaming: it’s true, I have an ugly voice and an ugly face, but I want to be criticized not for my looks but for what I do. And I may have made many mistakes in 30 years of journalism». He too saw Sanremo and didn’t like many things: “But what bothered me the most is the mimed sexual act. I was watching the Festival on TV with my children and I didn’t like that scene. it is the most vulgar thing but the one that has been talked about the least». Fedez is one of the most “popular” personalities of our society: “He is a very smart character, he manages to ride out controversies that give him visibility and then turn into money. I prefer different models».

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