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7 Benefits of Papuan Red Fruit, Good for Body Health

Mom’s Life

Amira Salsabila |

Saturday, 18 Feb 2023 16:20 WIB


Have you ever heard about the benefits of Papuan red fruit? It turns out that this one fruit has a number of very good benefits for maintaining the health of everyone’s body, you know, Mother.

Red fruit or which has a Latin name Pandanus Conoideus this is a type of traditional fruit originating from Papua. This fruit belongs to the pandanus family with a tree resembling a pandanus plant.

According to the book Only in Indonesia by Puspa Swara and Icha Risa, for people in Wamena, red fruit is served as food at the traditional stone-grilled feast, Bunda. Many also use it as medicine, such as preventing eye disease, worms, skin, and increasing stamina.

Apart from that, there are also several other serious diseases that can be overcome with this one fruit, Mother. Some of these diseases include cancer, high blood pressure, gout, and even HIV/AIDS. It is known that this disease can be cured by the juice from this island in the eastern tip of Indonesia.

Since hundreds of years ago, indigenous people in Papua have been taking the benefits of red fruit for their health. Generally, these residents use red fruit for staple food, but now many use it as traditional medicine, Bunda.

7 Benefits of Papuan red fruit

Red fruit contains various important nutrients needed by the body, such as protein, calories, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and anthocyanin dyes.

Compiled from the book Media for Planting Charcoal Waste from Papuan Red Fruit Seeds by Fransisca Christiana Dewi, et al, here are some of the benefits of red fruit that can cure several diseases.

1. Has anti-cancer effect

A study shows that red fruit can inhibit the growth of cancer cells such as ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer.

However, there is still little clinical research to prove the benefits of this red fruit, so the claim of red fruit as a cancer treatment still needs to be proven further.

2. Has anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-oxidant properties contained in this fruit are known to reduce inflammation. These benefits make red fruit the potential to be used as an alternative medicine for inflammatory bowel disease which can develop into colon cancer.

3. Manage diabetes

The content of tocopherol in red fruit is known to be able to overcome diabetes that is experienced by Mother. This content can work by regulating blood sugar levels and increasing insulin sensitivity.

Adding red fruit to your diet can help increase the work of the pancreas in producing insulin at a constant level.

4. Increase brain function

Rich in carotenoid antioxidants, red fruit improves brain power and memory in children. It works by promoting the sending of signals from other senses to the brain, thereby increasing the body’s response.

5. Improve eye health

Red fruit contains vitamin A, beta carotene antioxidants, and tocopherols, which offer a great incentive for eye health. The content of these plant compounds is useful for improving the work of the retina, conjunctiva and optic nerve.

Adding red fruit as part of your regular diet can improve eye disorders caused by a deficiency of vitamin A. Apart from that, it can also work to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

6. As an AIDS drug

Red fruit has shown its ability to treat AIDS. Regular intake of fruit extracts can help patients gain weight, make skin more radiant, and promote hair regrowth.

In addition, this fruit contains powerful anti-oxidants, which can work wonders in fighting the virus that causes AIDS, as well as improving overall health.

7. Lower bad cholesterol

In a study, red fruit extract was found to be able to increase good cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol.

So, those are some of the benefits of red fruit originating from Papua for body health. Hopefully useful, yes, Mother.

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Also, watch the video for 5 benefits of crystal guava for pregnant women below, Mother.


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