The 27 municipalities that make up the department of Caldas have scheduled for this Saturday, February 17, a free vaccination day against influenza, which is led by the Territorial Health Directorate.
From the entity they indicate that the continuous changes of climate in the region generate an increase in the cases of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), so it is necessary to implement an action plan to counteract these viruses.
The vaccination day is free, it will be held from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on a continuous day and is aimed at the population from 6 months onwards.
“It is very important that the population is protected against influenza to counteract these respiratory infections. That is why we invite the entire community to participate this weekend in the great day of vaccination against this disease”, said Libeth Arenas Echeverri, nurse of the Expanded Immunization Plan.
The points for the application of biologicals will be located in strategic places in each town to facilitate access by the entire community. They will also be located in all municipal hospitals and parks.
Anticovid vaccination in Bogotá is halfway: there are no doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen
This February 15, the Bogota Health Secretariat published a press release in which it gave details about the inventory of vaccines available in the city. In fact, he explained to the citizens that, for the moment, there is availability of Sinovac brand biologics at the District headquarters and at the health provider institutions (IPS). He also pointed out that this vaccine can be used to start the vaccination schedule.
“In accordance with national guidelines, Sinovac vaccines are available for use in first, second doses and first booster population from 3 years of age.”, said the Bogota Health Secretariat through its statement.
It should be noted that, first, on Wednesday morning the entity confirmed that there were no Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Then, around noon, when updating inventories, they reported that they did not have Janssen vaccines either.
This also means that the last booster dose authorized by the Ministry of Health cannot be applied, because there are no Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, (the third dose for those who started their scheme with Janssen vaccines and the fourth for those who received other schemes). .
That is, the application of fourth doses is stopped in the capital, This leaves older people in suspense, especially, who are more vulnerable to getting sick and aggravated by covid-19.
But the lack of availability of these vaccines is also serious for pregnant women and children between the ages of 12 and 17 who require the third dose, because the Pfizer doses are the only ones that are authorized to be applied in those populations.
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