Home » Health » The impact of consuming bananas for diabetics, is it dangerous?

The impact of consuming bananas for diabetics, is it dangerous?

Kulinear.ID – Bananas are one of the fruits that are rich in nutrients, experts also recommend consuming bananas as a food that must be in the diet menu.

Apart from vitamins and minerals, it turns out that bananas are also a source of protein and antioxidants.

Even though it is healthy, its sweet taste makes many diabetics wonder, is it dangerous to eat bananas? So, if you are also curious, here is the impact of consuming bananas for diabetics.

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Before answering this question, it’s good for us to know the content of bananas.

Reported by the boldsky page, 1 small banana (101 g) depending on the type contains energy of approximately 89.9 kcal, 1.1 g protein, 23.1 g carbohydrates, 2.63 g fiber, 5.05 mg calcium, 27 magnesium .3 mg, 0.26 mg iron, 362 mg potassium iron, 22.2 mg potassium phosphorus, 0.152 mg zinc, 1.01 mcg selenium, 20.2 mcg folate also various vitamins, such as A, E, K, B1 , B2, B3 and B6.

With nutritional content, of course you can say, bananas are a type of superfood. A study published in the scientific journal NCBI states that the fiber in bananas can help lower the glycemic index.

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Bananas are also able to help overcome gastrointestinal (digestive) diseases, help balance weight, treat kidney and liver complications, and prevent cardiovascular disease and many other chronic diseases.

In addition, the most important thing is that bananas have a low glycemic index, thus preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar after consumption, especially for people with diabetes.

People with diabetes experience insulin resistance, because glucose levels in their bodies easily spike due to the body’s inability to convert it into an energy source.

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That’s why diabetics must limit their carbohydrate intake to manage the condition.

The points mentioned make it clear that it is not bananas that cause an increase or decrease in glucose in the body, but the total intake of carbohydrates.

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