The singer had gone into a rage over a technical problem while singing
He is being investigated by the Imperia prosecutor’s office with thecharge of damage Blanco, after destroying the rose scenography of the Sanremo Festival during his live performance at the Ariston. The singer went into a rage last Tuesday, guest of the first evening of the Festival, due to a technical problem: he had stopped singing his new single “Island of roses” and had started kicking the “rose garden” set up on the stage, tearing the floral composition to pieces: “I couldn’t hear it in the headphones, I couldn’t sing – the artist later explained -. But at least I had fun, music is also this ».
The Ariston audience had it booed and many spectators, on social media, had condemned his gesture, considering it disrespectful. Others, on the other hand, had sided with the singer, recalling that he is just 20 years old. Now, however, the discussed off-program of him has become object of investigation by the prosecutor who has opened a file, waiting for Rai to clarify what the agreements were.
The investigations begin from the report made by Codacons (but on the case there had also been some insights from Digos on the evening of the exhibition) who had suffered filed a complaint to the Imperia prosecutor’s office and the Court of Auditors: «Blanco will be called to compensate the damages caused to Rai and to answer for the crime of damage – Codacons had written in a note, the day after the incident -. In addition to the criminal aspect, the destruction carried out yesterday by Blanco produced a obvious economic damage to citizens: the Ariston scenography is in fact paid for by Italian users who finance Rai through the license fee, and the damage to vases and flowers has led to ashort of public money which the artist will now have to compensate. For these reasons, Codacons today asks the Imperia Public Prosecutor’s Office to open an investigation into Blanco in the light of the possible crime of damage, and the Court of Auditors to initiate the due actions on the accounting plan aimed at obtaining compensation from the artist for tax damages ” .
Blanco, the day after the incident, had apologized on social media, posting a poem written at night, dedicated to the Ariston. Yesterday, on the other hand, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, the singer published a photo of a rose, triggering the most disparate reactions from his followers, divided between those who support him and those who continue to criticize him for how he behaved.
After the news of the opening of the investigation, Codacons immediately expressed satisfaction in a new note: «The Prosecutor of Imperia has fully accepted the complaint presented by the Codacons last February 8 in which it was requested to proceed against the singer Blanco for the possible case of damage – writes the Codacons -. In our complaint, we asked the Imperia Public Prosecutor’s Office to proceed on the basis of theart. 635 of the penal code according to which “Anyone who destroys, disperses, deteriorates or renders useless, in whole or in part, movable or immovable property of others during events taking place in a public place or place open to the public is punished with imprisonment from one to five years”, in relation to the damage to the scenography which also led to a waste of public money».
The Codacons, however, adds that it must also be ascertained a possible complicity of Rai: «Today, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, accepting our request, decided to proceed precisely with regard to the case of damage reported by us, but we believe that the investigation should also be extended to Raiin order to ascertain whether there has been possible complicity on the part of the organization of the Sanremo Festival, in consideration of the news that has appeared in the mass media according to which Blanco’s gesture at the Ariston was not unexpected».
February 16, 2023 (change February 16, 2023 | 12:12)