Home » News » Cáritas makes available to Ukrainian families an initial quota of 1,111 reception places throughout Spain

Cáritas makes available to Ukrainian families an initial quota of 1,111 reception places throughout Spain

Cáritas Española will make 1,111 reception places available to Ukrainian families throughout Spain. After a survey of the entire Confederation, a first commitment has been made by 23 diocesan Caritas to accommodate refugees who have been forced to leave their homes due to the Russian invasion in different resources and programs.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, more than 2.3 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of Russian military actions on February 24.

In the coming weeks this capacity will be expanded as the diocesan Cáritas can assess their reception capacity. Initially, these thousand places are distributed between homes (587) and reception centers or shelters (524).

emergency help

Cáritas Española has also been in Ukraine since 2010 through various social action projects. After the Russian invasion, that collaboration has intensified. A week after the start of the crisis, he sent Caritas Ukraine a first batch of 100,000 euros to meet the basic needs of vulnerable people during their displacements.

Cáritas Española has also approved the allocation of another 200,000 euros for emergency programs in Moldova and Poland in the face of the massive flight of the population to those neighboring countries.

Until last March 3, 100,000 Ukrainians had crossed the border into Moldova, the poorest country in Europe. It is estimated that 45% of them will remain in the country, using the networks of family and friends, government reception centers, services of social organizations, including the Church itself.

The funds allocated by Cáritas Española to Moldova will be used to condition and expand the reception capacity in shelters, guarantee safe transport and offer psychosocial support. With this intervention, which will last 8 months, care will be given to 9,600 people.

In the case of Poland, where the number of displaced persons already exceeds 1.3 million people, the 100,000 euros sent by Cáritas Española will go to the distribution of monetary aid so that the refugees can satisfy their most immediate needs. The program will last three months and will benefit some 5,600 people.

At the border points of Przemysl, Zosin, Hrebenne, Lubaczow and Dorohusk, “Hope (Tents)” have been set up, where people can rest, receive hot food and drinks, clothes, basic hygiene kits and basic medicines. “At first, the people who arrived at these border points had more resources or family or friends or even a clear idea of ​​where to go. At this time, people need more support, they have fewer plans and fewer resources to get their own accommodation,” he says. Carmen Gomez de Barredaresponsible for the Caritas emergency campaign with Ukraine.

“Avalanche of Solidarity”

The support of Cáritas Española for all these interventions is possible thanks to the “avalanche of solidarity” of the entire Spanish society. The Coordinator of Relations with Donors and Institutions of Cáritas Española, Maria Angeles Garciapoints out that “the levels of generosity are being similar to those registered during the tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2004 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010”.

Currently, Cáritas Española is not channeling donations in kind to Ukraine, since, according to García, “it is an unapproachable management” for the Cáritas in the region.

“Although it is impossible for us to foresee what the evolution of the situation will be in the coming days, we call for the solidarity of society so that we can continue to care for the families who are losing everything in this humanitarian conflict,” he points out.

People who want to collaborate with the Caritas campaign with Ukraine can do so through Bizum 00089 or through the website www.caritas.es.







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