There is an underground river that flowed on the surface of our lands thousands of years ago, says Mariyana Nikolaeva
Mariyana Nikolaeva is the winner of the second season of the Bulgarian reality TV show “Cliffs”. Born in 1975, lives in Varna, married with two children.
Reached the 4th place in the Ukrainian international TV-competition for phenomena “Battle of psychics” (Battle of psychics). The prophetess from Varna also participates in a number of global TV projects, such as “Psychic detectives”, “Psychics lead an investigation”, where she competes with phenomena from Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Kazakhstan, etc. countries.
Here is what she predicted to “Telegraph” about the earthquake in Turkey and Syria and the future of the world.
– Since time immemorial, mankind has been trying to predict strong earthquakes, but so far this is only available in fantasy films, as well as biblical prophets. Did you yourself have a premonition or some type of indication before the earthquakes that rocked Southeastern Turkey and parts of Syria?
– If you follow my forecasts lately, you will see that in them I said how a big earthquake is predicted in Turkey. I could even hear the sound of the ground as a hum. In reality, this earthquake first came to me as information from above about 10 years ago that it would happen, but in reality the exact moment of its occurrence was difficult to predict. Unfortunately, such tremors are coming in India and Kazakhstan.
– When do you think they will be?
– I wouldn’t be able to specify it exactly, but it is likely that they will happen this year as well.
– How do you get the information about this kind of disasters – in the form of pictures or as a thought-form?
– In the form of paintings. I can literally see the buildings falling under their own weight, I can feel the vibrations too – I’m swaying as if I’m in them.
– Is the worst over in the affected areas?
– There will be more tremors, but they will be more subdued – they will last for some time. The casualties will unfortunately swell to about 20,000 people. The good news is that neighbors will quickly restore life in the affected towns and villages. This will happen within just 2 years. In this country, however, there will be more cataclysms, which will be connected with fire and water – fires and floods. I notice an alternation of the elements with them – earth, fire and water. To me, this means that they have some karma to pay at the national level.
– Looking from the tower of your super-sensitive gift, are we in for stronger earthquakes in Bulgaria?
– There will be, but they will not be as strong and threatening. At most, average around 3-4 on the Richter scale. Interestingly, there will be more flooding here. We will also have two larger fires, but they will be in the summer season.
– Prof. Boyko Rangelov hypothesized that an earthquake in the Black Sea (around the Shabla-Kaliakra seismic focus) would cause a large tsunami. Do you see such a scenario materializing soon?
– I can see similar scenes happening in our country in the future, but I don’t think they will be life-threatening for people along the Black Sea coast. It will be like a higher tide after settling of earth layers around 2027-2028.
– Some time ago, the healer Atanaska Strateva told me in a private conversation that when she was young, Vanga predicted to her that the Black Sea would reach Shumen around 2050. Is this possible?
– There is an underground river that thousands of years ago flowed on the surface on our lands. In ancient times, ships sailed on it, it was used to transport cargo. But where it has flowed, it will flow again, because one day it will appear again and enter its old trough. It is quite possible that Vanga saw exactly this, because it is this river that has a connection with the Black Sea. At least that’s how I see things.
– The next question is a bit ominous, but it is widely commented on in Internet forums – in your opinion, to what extent would the building stock in the country withstand an earthquake?
– Each case is different, but if we are talking about the old panels, they would withstand at least 7-8 on the Richter scale. If we talk in terms of technology, for me the highest seismic resistance is the joist. In a strong earthquake, there may be damage to the building, but not collapse like a house of cards. So if we can’t build like the Japanese, it’s better to rely more on the old building practices and technologies of our ancestors.
Fortunately, the buildings in our country are not that tall, and they shouldn’t be, because in the future of humanity, cataclysms will become more frequent. In two years we will have a slightly stronger earthquake from southern Bulgaria and Macedonia. Fortunately, there will be no destruction and no casualties.
– It is noteworthy that the earthquake in Turkey occurred on a full moon. The gravitational forces of the Moon are somewhat neglected, but it turns the oceans and generally dictates the biorhythm in the human organism. How do you see the role of the moon in severe disasters?
– It also makes another impression that most strong earthquakes happen at night and yes, they really are on a full moon. The moon is an artificial satellite of the Earth. It was put together by our creators to stabilize life on Earth and our planet’s magnetic field. It seems that like any machine, it has certain side effects, and one of them unlocks earthquakes.
– Are the metaphysical theories, according to which there are underground pyramids in Bulgaria, which protect us from more serious cataclysms, a myth?
– It’s not just a legend, there are such buildings underground. But apart from them, the Thracian megalithic sanctuaries on our territory are energy centers that perform protective functions. There are such geomagnetic centers in Pliska, Perperikon, Madara, Begliktash, Ranuli. You are looking at some bare stones, but they are not there by chance because they swirl the energy in a certain way.
In addition, in no case should one underestimate the fact that in ancient times our lands were called Upper Egypt. Realistically speaking, most Egyptian deities originated from our lands – today’s Bulgaria, part of Romania and Ukraine. It is no longer a secret for scientists that Thoth’s mother is from our lands. Some time ago I visited the British Museum, where the Rosetta Stone, discovered by the Nile, is kept. When I put my hand to it, I got some pretty interesting information that puzzled me as well.
I was given to see that in ancient times 4 cities of gold existed. They were well organized and in reality they controlled the entire population of the Earth and redistributed the goods. These cities were located in North and South America, in Europe and in Asia, today’s China. They knew unsuspected technologies thanks to their contact with more advanced civilizations from space. Compared to their technology, today’s smartphones look like wooden toys. From these we later take medicine, metalworking, shipbuilding, architecture and agriculture.
According to what I have been given from the space-time I enter and gather information from, the civilizations before us lived much longer. Some of the individuals reached an age of 1000-1200 years unthinkable today. Women have been entering childbearing age for 150 years, and have lived to an average of 800. At some point, our DNA was deliberately blocked, causing our cell to have a lower division cycle, then began to age faster and die earlier. Scientists are currently trying to find the code of immortality in DNA, but there are shadowy secret societies that prevent this from happening.
It is not by chance that the Bible says that man is God-like (created in God’s image and likeness), but it does not specify what. And actually it is in the perfection of our DNA, which is deliberately blocked. Whoever unlocks this potential will even be able to travel through time.
– The prophetess Slava Sevryukova told the Bulgarians to return home from abroad by 2025, because here the earth will be protected from the terrible things that lie ahead. Viruses, devastating earthquakes near us, a few days ago in the USA they measured a temperature of minus 77 degrees Celsius, what else is to come?
– Everything that we know as disasters will pass in condensed order and it is already happening – epidemics, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes. In reality, North America, Australia, parts of China, Japan will be most affected. In Italy there will be earthquakes and floods, in Greece – also. Within ten years, there will be an earthquake in Great Britain, and then a tsunami and a major flood. People will wonder where to run and what to do.
However, something else must be said that affects these processes. Man loves to pretend to God. Secret experiments are currently being carried out by the planetary shadow government, which also have the effect of causing tremors on the planet. They want to instill fear in people in order to subjugate them. They’re going to break the money system too, and that’s what’s happening right now with this inflation and the war and everything that’s coming up.
– Allegedly, the prices stopped their gallop in Bulgaria and flew up again, as you predicted at the end of last year. How do you now see the situation going forward?
– Unfortunately, this trend will continue for all basic products – eggs, cheese, yellow cheese, fuels. Only the bread will not dare to touch so much. We were hoping to get fuel from Turkey, but now they won’t have enough during the recovery process. People will begin to unite at some point, there will be riots to take power from the masses worldwide. In Spain, in France, wherever people will jump for their rights. There will be almost nothing in our country, because the Bulgarian is silent and patient.
– Many of the native phenomena of the recent past have gained phenomenal abilities amid experienced trauma. Could you share how these gifts were unlocked for you?
– I have had operations, but they were later and not so fateful. I actually had these abilities from a young age. My grandmother constantly warned me not to say whatever came to mind in front of people, because she herself had such tendencies and clearly felt things. He told me: “You see, you don’t see, you will suffer!”. I got used to it too.
But once I remember – I told my mother that my father was going to die soon. She said he was healthy, but really unfortunately the guy remembered. Later, I had different situations at school, more cheerful ones. When I was in 4th or 5th grade, we talked about future technologies. Then I told classmates that one day people would call their watches without wires and cables, but no one believed that this was possible.
I recently remembered another situation – they hand me the notebook with the grades and I have a vision of today’s smartphones, and I say: “Hey, if you know what kind of notebooks we will have?! Everything will be written in them with some colorful pictures and they will be rubbed with a finger and will be shown”. When I was younger, I also saw IVF as a method that would spread as a result of infertility.
– You mentioned technologies, and today’s smartphones, for example, what will replace them in the near future?
– These are the holograms, these are the chips on the body with which we will be able to communicate with the entire globe. Soon many professions will disappear, but many new ones will also appear. Robots will increasingly enter our lives, in the household, in the service sector, in public transport. Medicine will penetrate more and more into the secrets of genetics and the individual code. With just one scan of the body, it will be understood not only what diseases a person has, but also what they are prone to. Flying cars will also enter.
– Will Bulgaria have it as a country?
– It seems to me that our borders will be bigger. This is because in the near future the borders of Europe will fall. Nations, peoples will blur, the Bulgarian race will melt. Separately, many refugees will come here from everywhere – from the Middle East, from Africa, from China, mixed marriages will begin, and so the next generations will be different. Our current gene will be enriched. There won’t be a Third World War for me, but there will be cataclysms. We will adopt the euro next year, with a delay of a year or two, during which both the leva and the euro will be valid in parallel.
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