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– The Oslofjord is about to collapse

In June 2022, Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide promised that a new fertilizer regulation would be submitted to get a cleaner Oslofjord. Early autumn at the latest.

– Nothing has been done. I think it is due to an internal battle between Ap and Sp in the government. It is the Oslofjord that loses when Ap lets SP decide on environmental policy, says Eirik Lae Solberg, Oslo Høyre’s city council candidate, to Dagbladet.

Meet the Oslofjord’s only cod

Fjord towards collapse

In March 2021, the then climate and environment minister Sveinung Rotevatn (V) presented a action plan to save the Oslofjord. The two main measures for a cleaner fjord were to reduce emissions from both agriculture and sewage.

– The Oslofjord is about to collapse. One of the biggest environmental problems is nutrient salts from agriculture and organic material from us humans. It is good that several measures in the plan have been initiated, but I think it is disturbing that important steps are left to wait. There are many indications that this is due to an internal tug-of-war in the government, says Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde, Conservative representative in the Storting.

INSIDE THE FJORD: Sunset over the Oslo Fjord, outside the Opera House in Oslo.  Photo: Alf Simensen / NTB

INSIDE THE FJORD: Sunset over the Oslo Fjord, outside the Opera House in Oslo. Photo: Alf Simensen / NTB
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In May 2022, Barth Eide announced measures to prevent “the fjord from dying” in Aftenposten: Nitrogen purification of drains and a ban on autumn plowing were two of the measures. From the floor of the Storting, the minister said in June last year that a “fertiliser regulation should contribute to improving water quality, i.a. in the Oslofjord”, and that it will be ready “during the fall”.

– The Oslofjord is short on time, so we need a binding progress plan with concrete deadlines, both for drainage and agriculture, says Tybring-Gjedde.

Oslofjord worst in Scandinavia

Oslofjord worst in Scandinavia

– New tones

Last month, Tybring-Gjedde asked Barth Eide questions about the fertilizer regulations. “The regulations are currently jointly owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Climate and the Environment and the Ministry of Health and Care”, replies Barth Eide and announces new solutions.

– It is a completely different tone from a minister who stated in May that the problems in the Oslofjord are something the new government tackled from day one, says Tybring-Gjedde.

She and colleague Lae believe the lack of new regulations is due to “the Center Party being skeptical of placing stricter requirements on the amount of spread from agriculture”.

– The Oslofjord is very sick, and about to collapse. Cod, kelp forests, eelgrass, mussels and lobsters are disappearing. The Conservative Party presented an ambitious action plan for the Oslofjord which the government must follow up, says Lae.

That's how clean the Oslo sewer will be

That’s how clean the Oslo sewer will be

Not surprised

Tybring-Gjedde and Lae have the following list of demands for Barth Eide:

  • Requirements for nitrogen purification and phosphorus from waste water along the Oslofjord.
  • Several emptying stations for boat septic tanks.
  • Comprehensive restoration plan for the Oslo Fjord.
  • Revised fertilizer regulations.

– There are many indications that Agriculture Minister Sandra Borch and Eide do not agree on the fertilizer regulations and that stricter rules are needed for agriculture. From an Oslo standpoint, it is a big problem that the Center Party gets ahead, says Lae, before Conservative colleague Tybring Gjedde takes over:

NOT SATISFIED: Høyre's Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde.  Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

NOT SATISFIED: Høyre’s Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB
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– It is not surprising that the Center Party lowers Oslo’s priority, but this is about the entire Oslofjord, from Oslo to Færder. Species diversity and life in the fjord are in danger. 1.6 million people live here, and it is urgent to take action to save the dying fjord.

– Government takeover

Dagbladet has asked for a response from Climate and Environment Minister Barth Eide, but State Secretary Aleksander Øren Heen (Sp) replies:

– A fertilizer regulation is important for the whole country and the ministries are working to assess the regulations, and many considerations must be weighed, writes Heen and adds that he “as of today cannot say when the regulations are ready to be sent for consultation”.

- Dumps toxic sludge in the Oslofjord

– Dumps toxic sludge in the Oslofjord

– The government is well underway with a power ceiling for the Oslo Fjord. Within drainage, the municipalities have received a clear signal that demands for nitrogen removal are coming and that they should start planning already now, reports Heen.

– When it comes to agriculture, the State Administrator in Oslo and Viken has introduced new regional environmental requirements for large parts of Viken, such as reduced autumn ploughing, according to Heen.

He points out that the State Administrators are in the process of assessing new regional environmental requirements for the remaining parts of the fjord’s catchment area.

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