Home » Entertainment » the Russians did not suspect who the husband of Regina Dubovitskaya

the Russians did not suspect who the husband of Regina Dubovitskaya

The actress has been happily married for 58 years.

Regina Dubovitskaya is known as the host and head of the Full House show, which has not left Russian screens for several decades. Millions of fans regularly see her on their TVs, but few people know how the personal life of a popular artist develops.

As it turned out, Dubovitskaya met her husband at the age of 17. Then the future screen star met Yuri Ayvazyan on the train, who was 11 years older. The young physicist immediately attracted her attention, but at that time Dubovitskaya did not think about the wedding.

As a result, Yuri and Regina continued to communicate and after a while became husband and wife. As the TV presenter admits, the main secret of their strong marriage is everyone’s passion for their work. After all, while Dubovitskaya is developing her humorous show, her husband is working at the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical and Technical Measurements. The 85-year-old scientist is considered the founder of the physical direction in the field of magnetism and devoted his whole life to science.

At the same time, Dubovitskaya does not tell fans about her personal life. She keeps her marriage a secret, and her husband tries not to appear in public, avoiding such attention.

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