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Do This to Avoid Stress in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Many negative things have happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, starting from the loss of a career, property and even the loss of loved ones. Apart from that, the Covid-19 pandemic has also created a lot of fear, anxiety and worry in the minds of the people, which in turn has created a psychological impact called psychosomatic, which is a type of mental disorder whose impact causes physical complaints even without an illness. .

There are many causes that lead to the emergence of these psychosomatic symptoms, including the anxiety that arises as a result of reading news related to Covid which is getting more and more excited, the number of victims who have died, the increase in variants, and the speed of transmission. This type of information can be easily accessed on various news portals, television stations, and also not to forget that it is often mentioned in the Whatsapp group, so that for some people it causes excessive worry, anxiety and fear, which results in . Then there is a decrease in the body’s immunity which makes it susceptible to disease. Simply put, the Covid-19 pandemic threatens not only physical health, but also mental and psychological health.

Below, we will share a number of things that can prevent worry, fear and excessive anxiety so that you can avoid stress symptoms during this pandemic:

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Stay calm

Apart from implementing health protocols, what is no less important is trying to stay calm in the midst of this very tense condition. Trust that all this chaos will pass, and we can only try to avoid it as much as possible.

A calm mind will also lead to a calm attitude and behavior, whereas excessive fear, anxiety and worry will only cause emotions to become aroused quickly, making it easier to judge others and act unwisely.

Among the ways to keep your mind calm are meditation, dhikr, trust in the Almighty and don’t forget to follow health protocols.

Do Social Media Distancing

This method is considered important because as mentioned above, excessive anxiety, worry, and fear are initially triggered by scary news which is also widely spread on social media. This method can be done in several steps: First, with dumb the keyword covid-19 on social media, including ignoring exciting content about covid-19 which is usually circulating on news portals or whatsapp groups. Second, by reducing interaction with gadget, especially before going to bed so that the mind can relax. Third, be more thorough in reading the news, to avoid rumors and clickbait
which in turn makes you even more anxious just by reading the headlines.

Do positive things that make you happy

You can avoid these stress-causing fears, anxieties, and worries by preoccupying yourself with positive things that make you happy. You can try to spend a lot of time communicating with family or friends and friends through on line. You can also do mini exercises at home or make crafts by learning them first through YouTube videos.

Doing positive things that make you happy is considered a very effective way to keep your mind calm and also able to release endorphins that can reduce anxiety and excessive worry, which will prevent you from feeling stressed amid the complexity of this pandemic.

This is a way to avoid stress during this pandemic. Apart from following health protocols, we must also remain calm because the chaotic conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have not only attacked our physical health, but also our mental and psychological health.

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