What is the coolest way to develop and nurture imagination in a child? Search the whole universe for the most wonderful way, you will not find anything more wonderful than the universe itself. Simply put, parents and curricula should spread scientific education, universe sciences and earth sciences, as they are the greatest source of imagination. In vain the mind tries to go beyond the borders of the universe, and beyond what is below the smallest subatomic particles, for the photon is the sedition of the photon.
Any imagination can travel to the distant septa located at a distance of fifty billion light years. As soon as the number runs on the tongue of your thought until it exceeds fifty, the universe is expanding, and the greater the distance, the greater the speed of the flute. But the biggest puzzle is that the mind and what astrophysics has reached do not know anything about what is behind it. The universe, which scientists know that they do not know anything about with certainty, is represented in their belief that it includes two thousand billion galaxies. At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists were delusional that the Milky Way is the entire universe, so if it is two trillion times larger, are they sure that it is not billions of times larger?
Isn’t it wonderful that the greatest scientists do not know anything in these knowledge fields? What we, non-physicists, know is tiny. In a smaller, smaller world, the atom is more dizzying. The world of weights and measures numbers also has wonders. How can you visualize a volume or mass as the term euktogram? When you go to the butcher and ask him for a kilogram of meat, he does not care about thirty grams over a kilo. He doesn’t think of something like an euktogram: minus a million billion trillionths of a kilogram. Even the seller of diamonds and gold does not comprehend these standards and cannot find a way to them.
Any imagination comprehends that a cubic centimeter of a neutron star weighs a billion tons. A cubic centimeter is a chickpea, a piece of sugar, a hazelnut. Imagine that is the equivalent of a hundred billion sheep. Science fiction is above science fiction. What goes on in the mind of the young when we improve the presentation of these cosmic and natural paranormal? We would have qualified him to swim in the seas of science. This infrastructure in scientific education must be established in the family before school, and it does not require an academic curriculum. It seizes its opportunities around the table, in parks and on trips… Tell the child about black holes, and that they swallow suns just as we scurry about bits.
What is necessary: Philosophical conclusion: Make education a science and science education, the universe will see a collection of poetry.