Home » World » Belgian MEP arrested in investigation into corruption scandal | Abroad

Belgian MEP arrested in investigation into corruption scandal | Abroad

Socialist MEP Marc Tarabella was arrested Friday morning for questioning in the investigation into corruption in the European Parliament (EP).

The Belgian Tarabella is suspected of involvement in the bribery scandal also known as Qatargate. The case revolves around buying influence in the EP by Qatar and Morocco.

The Belgian public prosecutor reports that Tarabella’s bank vault in Liège has been searched. Some of his offices in the Belgian municipality of Anthisnes, of which he is mayor, are also being investigated. Police also raided Tarabella’s home in December.

According to Belgian media, former MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri has said that he paid 120,000 to 140,000 euros to Tarabella to represent Qatar’s interests in parliament. According to Belgian media, Panzeri is the pivot of the bribery practices.

The scandal was brought to light by the arrest of now-deposed vice president Eva Kaili in December. Then more arrests followed. Panzeri and Kaili’s partner Francesco Giorgi, among others, were arrested.

Parliament also gave the green light last week to prosecute Tarabella. The Belgian, who says he is innocent, is now being questioned by the Belgian judiciary. An investigating judge will determine later today whether he will be brought before him.

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