I didn’t think that after thirty years of marriage we would start scandals, and even on such a stupid occasion. We got a product between us, from which I just turn out.
Half a century is a serious age. Even if you go in for sports all your life and eat only healthy food, you will accumulate sores of varying severity. Here and with my wife here and there it hurts.
I still somehow brag, as Nadia, my wife, says. I refuse to go to the doctors. And I have no time to sit in lines with pensioners. Work, other concerns.
But Nadyushka specifically took care of herself. She underwent a medical examination, where something was revealed in her. They prescribed treatment, but the wife did not want to take pills.
Went into alternative medicine. You know, it’s called homeopathy. They offer folk remedies. All sorts of herbs, decoctions and infusions. In general, it’s the right thing to do.
If you don’t go crazy. And my Hope is precisely that it began to slowly move out of it. I read some booklet in which the clever author said that all the health problems of the people are from nutrition.
It is clear, I do not argue here. If you eat fast food all your life, your stomach will eventually rebel. But my wife and I do not go to restaurants, but cook at home.
All useful, natural, own. Vegetables from the garden, I personally hunch over in the country every summer. The berries are all frozen. In winter, it is most for immunity.
In autumn we pick mushrooms. Yes, not by the roads, like others, lazy. And we go far to the region, to the most secluded forests and thickets. In general, we watch what gets on the plate.
But Nadya’s country and forest medicines were not enough. She read in that book that it was necessary to eat sauerkraut to cleanse the body. It is clear that for fifty years various rubbish has been accumulating in us, toxins and slags there.
I understand that it would be nice to get rid of all this excess. But I won’t understand, and here is sauerkraut. The thing is, I can’t stand her since childhood.
Here’s to nausea. I can’t stand sauerkraut in any form. No soups, no salads, nothing. Just the smell makes me sick.
I remember when I was still a kid, so my grandmother tried every autumn. I cooked this cabbage in buckets. Yes, she also said, here, they say, vitamins for the winter.
In winter, as parents put this cabbage on the table, I immediately ran to the toilet. Seriously, no nonsense. Mom didn’t believe me at first, she said, stop fooling around.
And then she consulted with doctors, and they told her. Say, there are such rare cases of complete intolerance to sauerkraut. One in a thousand. That’s how lucky I am.
When Nadia and I just got married, I immediately warned her not to even smell of sauerkraut in our house. Allergy, they say, I have nothing to do.
My wife was young then, accommodating. Well, answers, dear, as you say. When she wanted to eat sour cabbage soup, she went to her mother and ate there.
And then the natural circus began. I come home from work somehow, but our whole apartment doesn’t smell, but just stinks of this very sauerkraut, the goblin would take it.
I’m with Nadyushka. What is it that smells like?
“This is not just cabbage, but part of my cleansing therapy,” my wife answers me importantly. – For a week I will eat only cabbage and drink fresh cabbage broth.
After that, Nadia added, all toxins and toxins will come out of me. A second youth will begin and a second wind will open with a third eye.
I thought to myself, how would I, Nadya’s legal husband, not leave the house with such a diet. I ask my wife, but I, they say, what should I do? I’m sick of this smell alone.
My Blessed One replies:
“You have to be patient somehow. Do you understand that my health is more important than your childhood whims?
I reminded her about allergies. Seems like a rare case. She waved it off. Like, do not invent, no such allergies exist. I used to keep quiet out of respect for you and your childhood fears.
And now there is no choice, we need to improve our health, and urgently. Sailed, it’s called. My own wife, it turns out, did not believe for thirty years that I had an allergy. Also, go ahead and laugh at me.
And I, a fool, thought that I was very lucky with my wife. Other men do not put them in anything, but mine takes into account my requests. Here I was naive.
Now my life has become a nightmare. I can’t stay at home for a minute. Clothes, things and even shoes were saturated with the smell of cabbage. What can I say, the cat already smells like cabbage.
She, this damn cabbage, gives me nightmares when I still manage to fall asleep. Yes, I already have insomnia due to nerves. I do not know what to do.
I shouldn’t get divorced because of some kind of cabbage, even though I can’t stand it. It would be summer, I would go to the country. And so I have to not breathe in my own house. I feel that soon I will not stand it and throw out all my wife’s cabbage stocks.
Let him swear, but at least I can breathe normally.
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