, Jakarta – The dark skies of the Arctic Circle have recently been shining with gorgeous iridescent lights and appear to have a subtle texture.
Rare clouds emitting bright, colorful lights like the aurora were recently spotted at various locations in the North Pole.
What causes these rainbow-colored clouds to appear?
According to Live Science, Tuesday, (7/2/2023), this rare miracle was not caused by the aurora. Instead, true rainbow clouds are caused by clusters of small ice crystal clouds that float higher than normal in the atmosphere.
The cloud, known as polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) or polar stratospheric clouds, only form when the lower stratosphere reaches temperatures below -114 degrees Fahrenheit or -81 degrees Celsius.
Usually, clouds don’t form in the stratosphere because the area is too dry. But at these extremely low temperatures, water molecules that are very far apart begin to coalesce into tiny ice crystals that form clouds, it is reported