Home » Health » “Up to 3,500 euros for 24 hours!”: these medical temporary workers who make the hospital cringe

“Up to 3,500 euros for 24 hours!”: these medical temporary workers who make the hospital cringe

They represent both a temporary solution and a fundamental problem. Useful for filling staff shortages, in the deep crisis that French hospitals are going through. But very expensive and controversial.

Medical temporary workers are in the sights of the Minister of Health. François Braun wants to regulate this practice by finally enforcing the Rist law. A text adopted in 2021, but whose implementing decree has never been published.

According to France Info, the minister, ex-president of Samu-emergencies of France, wants to remedy this in the spring. And that would have concrete effects in our region.

“Don’t get into that game”

“It’s interim work close to mercenary work”, says Dr Pierre-Marie Tardieux, head of the emergency department at the Nice University Hospital. A doctor who intervenes in the interim can earn two or three times more than a practicing practitioner. “It can go up to 3,500 euros for 24 hours!” Question of supply and demand. Faced with this outbidding, it is impossible for the public hospital to remain competitive.

Le CHU de Nice n’a “never resort to temporary medical work”, assures Pierre-Marie Tardieux. However, no question of “throwing stones at establishments that are able to rise to these prices so as not to close”. This was the case, very occasionally, of the hospital in Fréjus, recently forced to close for several days.

“We took a medical post during the two summer months, to maintain the outpatient circuit. We paid twice as much for it. We try not to get into that game”sighs Dr Didier Jammes, head of the emergency and intensive care unit in Fréjus. “We all needed it at some point, being bloodless. But I’ve never been in favor of the interim. They are paid two or three times more than us, and make two or three times less! We have the feel like they’re plugging a hole in a guard line. And that’s creating dissension.”

Another risk: seeing doctors prefer temporary work to a hospital position. “It aggravates the problems of the hospital, of medicine in the city and in the clinic. It promotes moments of crisis”, notes Dr. Tardieux. A remedy potentially worse than the disease. “It is a real risk of unfair competition”confirms his counterpart from Fréjus.

“We must regulate”

The paramedical sector also comes to the interim, to a lesser extent. The Nice University Hospital used it, especially during the tense end-of-year holiday period. “Without that, we would close”, summarizes Dr. Tardieux. Except that in acting as in the hospital, we lack nurses…

So yes, hospital officials approve of François Braun’s approach. In part, at least.

“We can’t do otherwise. We have to regulate”, confirms Dr. Tardieux. Yes, the Rist Law “is going in the right direction. But it would be good to work together on the quality of life of hospital staff. However, I only hear about the interim…”worries Dr. Jammes.

On the union side too, the interim is cringe. Michel Fuentes, FO Health departmental secretary, would prefer to have “better paid staff” rather than “people passing through, who are not particularly familiar with the service”. However, he admits: “The Cannibal Interim”as François Braun describes it, “can help out” Sometimes. The risk of this ministerial offensive? See hospital beds closing.

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