The young actor Jaafar was chosen Jackson To play the character of his uncle, the late international singer Michael Jacksonin a new biographical film documenting the singer’s life, according to the report published on the “”nme“.
Jaffer and Michael Jackson
Director Antoine Fuqua, who will direct the new documentary, which will be released under the name MichaelHe said: “I am proud of choosing Jaafar to play the character of his late uncle Michael, especially since he will dive into the journey of the late who became the king of pop.”
No date has been announced for the start of work on the new documentary Michaelor when it will be launched globally, but Fuqua confirmed, saying: “Soon, the basic preparations for work will begin.”
That includes the new documentary Michael Recreation of Jackson’s signature choreography while wearing his trademark fedora hat.
As for the young actor, Jaafar, he has been singing since he was twelve years old, and he released his first song, Got Me Singing In 2019, speaking about the role, which marked his first big acting role, Jaafar said on social media: “I feel humbled and honored to bring to life the story of my Uncle Michael, and to all Michael Jackson fans around the world, I will see you soon.” Michael Jackson website Variety “Jafar embodies my son and his uncle, and it’s great to see him carry on Jackson’s legacy.”