Jakarta –
NasDem politician Zulfan Lindan called President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) already know that NasDem will declare Anies Baswedan. However, Zulfan Lindan said Jokowi knew that NasDem would declare Anies as a vice presidential candidate.
“Pak Jokowi already knew from the start why NasDem would declare Anies, already knew, but not as President but as Vice President,” said Zulfan Lindan in the Adu Perspective discussion as broadcast on YouTube detik.com, Wednesday (1/2/2023.
“So logically, the president (Jokowi) doesn’t want the cawapres, right? What else is the president?” he continued.
Zulfan Lindan again mentions the antithesis. He linked it to a number of Jokowi’s programs.
“We’ve already talked about IKN continuing all infrastructure programs, everything has to go on, right? This is what we’re talking about antithesis, right? That’s where it goes,” he said.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the NasDem DPP, Effendy Choirie or Gus Choi, said he did not want to comment on this matter. He said he understood the matter, but chose not to disclose it to the public.
“I don’t need to convey this to the public. I don’t want to comment,” he said.