Cholesterol is basically a fatty substance that is naturally found in the human body. However, when the levels are excessive, cholesterol can be dangerous.
Doctors generally ask sufferers to change their diet by avoiding fatty foods that contain cholesterol. However, some people actually still experience high cholesterol even though they eat healthy.
At least, there are three reasons why some people still experience it high cholesteroleven though it has set a diet healthy. The reasons include:
1. Genetics
Not a few people with a family history of high cholesterol. So, hereditary genetics can be a reason for the cause of high cholesterol, apart from the food that has been consumed.
This condition is known as Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH).
As a result, the body cannot break down LDL cholesterol quickly. In addition, FH can also stimulate excessive LDL production from the liver.
(Dr. Debby Phanggestu in Alodokter states that cigarettes can affect cholesterol because the chemical substances contained in them can reduce levels of HDL/good cholesterol. Photo: Illustration/Doc.
2. Smoking
Smoking can restrict blood flow through your veins and make them stiff. In addition, smoking can cause the destruction of good cholesterol or HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol. In fact, HDL is useful for breaking down bad cholesterol and balancing its levels in the body.
3. Wrong eating pattern
Cholesterol enters a person’s body through the food consumed. Experts generally advise people with high cholesterol to avoid the keto diet, especially animal products, and foods high in saturated fat, such as meat, cheese, milk and butter.
If you eat too much of these foods, then it can raise blood cholesterol levels to unhealthy levels.
Therefore, people with high cholesterol need to choose cholesterol-lowering food intake, such as vegetables, fruits, soy milk, fish and lean chicken.
With these three reasons, those of you who have a history of cholesterol must change the habits above. Eating healthy and nutritionally balanced food is one of the main steps that can be taken in preventing or lowering cholesterol levels. The fat content in food should be low.
You can try to replace the consumption of foods that contain saturated fat with fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains (for example, whole wheat bread), so that cholesterol levels in the body will remain low. Avoid smoking too.
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